Page 24 - ITUK Press Cuttings March & April 2017
P. 24

frioeration           Phaaos o{ ttle fiimaie Vt orld, Msscoil,


Charles Saunders nlo\res on up to

1 1 tar:e with Isuzr-r

Charjes Saunders moyes on up tq 'l 't tone udth lsuzu. To mest the challenge of its changhg distribirtion
patternA whilst also tncrearing journey time productilrity. South West company Charles Saunders Foad
lervice Ltd recently made the switch ftom ?.5 tone to 1 1 tone daliv€ry yehicles, with the addition of ten
$ew lsuzu furward 1 1 tone rigid into its 35 scrcng refrlg€rated transpon fleer

Eristol-ba;ed Charles Saundcrs Food Servire already op*rates two lsuzu 7,5 tone t{ ?5"1S rigid in its
fleet and folla$ring a detailed truck evaluation exer.ise at M,l2 tone once again cho6e the lsuzu
marquse for thi$ latest fleet expansiofi program.

Explainiog the switrh to a hlgher GVIAI witl lsuzu, Colin Bardsley, rperaiions marager at Charles

Saunders Food Serviee Ltd raid. 'V\t€ have seen a year-on-y€ar incrsase in our customer base and an
evohdng produer range. fhe move up in \asiBht allows us to carry more goods on each vehide and ako
offer our curtomers a truly 'ona stop shop' seMce, With the nsry lsurus" rae can srrppl}r customers with a
seletion of frazen, chilled and ambient produrts all deliverad on one vehtclq wtrereas prevkusly we
had to use multiple vehlcles for the delivery of food and non-food produrts.'

The lsuau Fonivard Fl 'l 0.2 1 0 4 x2 rigld are all idenu(al spedfi€tion, f€aturir€ tho E"asy shift automatid
trailsnis5ion and fttted with Solornon multi-compartm€nt refrigerated badi$ with ftorE side loadlr€
door acress, Carrier Supra MT refr$eration sl.stems and rear under slung Dh{rllandia tait lifts,

The lsuaus also fea[ure automatic cab lighting and a numkr of rod safety feaiures including ,n eigftr
sida - &ngl€ cafiera surround system with audible beep lor an enh+med awareness ol rycliss ard a
lafie dttetlion system to ifireare driv€r safety ol motorways. After derid{ngthat 1 ! tone GV1JY rucks
were the right solutlon for their de{tuery requirem€nts rnd after trailing vehkl€s ftsm all the rnajar rrurk
manufacturers, Charles Saunders Food Seryice clearly fek that lsu.r, stood ori as the optimum choice

for thig fleet expansion,

'The ns\s lsuru 1 t io$e rigid tiarr€ a payload of owr 4,2 tones. whlct is id*al far our muhi dr@ busin€rs
;s tt allflls us to deal wrth both large and small ru$tomers using the same deltvery vehidg" said Colln


fight of the ne$ l$uru 1 1 ton€ rigid have noe, gone into ser\ri{e rdth Charles $aunders Ssod Sendce

sparating throughout the sauth-west ofEngland and tha finsl tra lsuaus are s*heduled to 6o ir*n

$service i& May. AII ten lsur$s halr€ been supplted local lsuru Truck denler AK tommercials Ltd and arc

supponrd by a flexible $sv€r yeer R&M coffrict riyith Buru T{urfi"

"Y{e have been dealing with Al( Co*merciab on and offfor ov*r 20 years and they are tda*i$ lorat*d
d6se to us arld give us ruperi seMce at *ll ri{fi€5," said Colin Bardilc,v,

Coli* adds. "We have been extremely pleased wtth the deelslon to go down the lsuau pfih for {rese new
ffie* (*vehtdes. Apart from the
                      balarue of peyload and po*er, th* stim design of the lsuau 1 1 tone

i$ parttuhdy usei, at we cp€rate ln rural €rlvfonments wtrere vehicle access can be qult€ restrifiive.

The comfort of tile lsuefs {rb is roal,y apprectated by en drlvers *s tro ts th* e#lclent perfornr:ace of

the Euro Vl on8ln€."

(harles Saunders Fotd Servt(e Ltd employs 126 people operating from rr{lo epots in Eristol. wfth
twtorner throughout south-west, Dorset and South Wales, Th< company ls a mqmber qf fairway fu*d
Servi{{, a bwinggroup made up of 18 indapendent wholesalsrs.
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