Page 32 - ITUK Press Cuttings March & April 2017
P. 32
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the know: MD Mark we've always been impressed with Daf's roadside rescue
rnyhough says ND Brown service."
The hot boxes are built either by Econ Engineering or
ows hot boxes tnside out and
Phoenix Engincering, and ND Brown has a particularly
n reconstTuct them if need be
close relationship with the latter.
Customers hire trucks for two nlonths on average It ideally keeps trucks for up to flve years. At present
rd everything is inctuded in the hire charge. "The only
Ling we charge extra for is repairing anv damage," says many of them are three years old or younger, says
Fernyhough. That means theY are Euro-6, something
:rn5,hough. that should appeal to customers that are under pressure
"We're achieving over 80% fleet utilisation at the to minimise emissions in urban areas.
roment and beyond that it can start getting a bit Around 100 vehicles are disposed of each year' They
ncomfortable. We need to have exchange vehicles go to end-users. virtually all in the UK' who want to buy
iailable so that we can support customers ii one of the
ucks they've hired from us breaks down or if there is used rather than hire or buY new.
rme other issue with it." "Demand is pretty reasonable and prices are quite
Demand for rental trucks with hot boxes is seasonal,
sually declining in the surlmer as council crews are good at present." says Fernl'hough.
The company can comprehensively refurbish a truck
,vitched to grass cutting - or go on holiday - and away
prior to disposal. ''We know hot box bodies inside out
'om highway repairs. "In winter, of course, it's colder, so and we can completely reconstruct them if we need to,"
ou need a hot box to keep the material at the right he says.'A11 our trucks are for sale, no matter how old
:mperature." they are. If we've got one that's no more than 12 months
,aytoad capacity old. is off-hire and stood, and somebody wants to buy it
Vhile several different makes are featured - some of the
thcn we'll talk to them."
S-tonners are Isuzus or Fusos because of their high He does tend to be cautious about taking any trade-ins
,ayload capacity, as well as Ivecos, Renaults and MANs
Dafs figure strongly in the fleet. "We've got a good that are offered. "We know the history of the trucks on
elationship with Greenhous, the local Daf dealer. Any our fleet but rve won t know the history of a part-
varranty claims are considered quite fairly, we fee1. and
"Tf it's a hot box. however, then that's different
because rve're the hot box specialists and we'll
,.l probabll' know the vehicle an1'lvay'"
While mileage is a key consideration
for anybody contemplatingbuying a
second-hand tractor unit, it is an issue
that seldom arises with ND Brown's
vehicles. "It's rare that we see anything
that's done more than 200,000km,
although the fact that PTOs may have
been nrn does, of course, have to be taken
"lf it's a hot box, however, then that's different
because we're the hot box specialists and we'[[
probabty know the vehicle anYwaY"
I So far as compliance with clocs and Fors is concerned, ND Brown was
j equipping its trucks with all the necessary mirrors, cameras, sideguards
f and audible and visual warnings two-and-a-half years ago, says
i Fernyhough. "A lot of our new trucks are fitted with an additional, low-level,
I window in the passenger door, too," he adds
I As yet, the f leet does not feature tippers with cyclist-friendly low-height
i cabs, but if customers want them then the company will look at acquiring
ffi I:r{5 :
Fernyhough believes they have their limitations and these can be
ffi ; if they have to venture off-road on to loose and uneven surfaces.
"'grprtow."ed're willing to keep an open mind," he says
"Bear rn mind too that you cannot keep throwing all the responsibility for
-ffffii_;X tf-," safety of cyclists on to trucks. Cyclists have to be educated and take
ffi X r"rpon.ibility for their safety as well, and they have to be aware that red
i4# tiqf,tr apply to them as well as to drivers
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