Page 37 - ITUK Press Cuttings March & April 2017
P. 37
March was a storyof two hatus. Wth the exception of Ford - whose
registrafiorus w€rs almost identical to last year's - th6 rnanufacturers would
- hane been either eelebrating or commiswatlng.
The tire cornpank s suff€ring tls most in March ware Vauxhall, Perryeot
snd Cikoen - allembroihd in Vauxhall's sale to ihe French cunpany.
lhe b6t perfonrers wwe ttmse strong in pickups - sales were up 23%
in this catogory. These inolude Mitsrbisfri, Nissan, Toyota, and ncrru Fist,
Fiat's s.tccmses were, according 1o the ir.coming Corntry Manager for Fiat
Professlonal. not lu$t with the rew fullb,ack but *ross the entirB rsngB,
particularly in the srnall Fioriro cat€gory,
LIGHT COMI'ERCIAL VEHICLE REGISTHATIOHS TO What is your current icb position?
Truck Sales Executive
BEETSELLEfiS ,; ::, :.,-,. &AH.i*.*d{ifl 15,267
6,986 Ooooh fancy! What is the strangest or most challenging
o I0.38t o 5,296 iob you'va ever donG?
o {,345 o 5,1 l6 Working for my fathar's transport company doing the Midtands to
B 4,01t 6 4,8&t Glasgow run - that was hard workl
rt 3.215 6
o 3,094 o t,7 h6 I hope you didn't charge him! lf you had your time again,
4,08{ would you have followed the same career path?
r+ 3,062 {,
o 3,ES5 Yes, I have enjoyed my thirteen years in Transport.
$ ?,s09 o
s 2,584 3,60{ Mmmmm, but has Transport enioyed you? lf you had
o 2,$57 $i l,?89 been reincarnated, who or what do you think you think
you urere in a past life?
0, 2,1 43
Staying with the transport theme then! lf you could
invita any four paopla to a dinner pafiy, living or dead,
who would they be, and why?
My wife Gemma and my three children, Oliver, Autumn and Eden - |
am all about family time.
Blass your eotton socks! Eest corporat€ iolly or
With my provious company I won an all-expensas paid trip to
lstanbul for three days and got to take my wife - it wa$ an amazing
Lucky Gemma, he's a keeper girMtYhat are your
passions outside the workplace?
My younger brother Jordon is a professional footballer lor Walsall
FC so I spend most lueekends watching him. I also love spending
time \,t ith my family and family barbecues - my mother and father
do a great Sangha barbecuo!
So you're not a WAG but a BAG? Who would be your
dream date?
eva Mendes, Wow, iust wow 0h ar my wife {sorry Gemmat}
I tak* it back Gemma, he ain't no keeper! Describe
ya*r**li in five words.
Trusting. funny, polite, outgoing and loyal
Right you are sir!
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