Page 36 - ITUK Press Cuttings March & April 2017
P. 36
isht commercial vehicle registrations dipped in March, ,f!i-i- '.:':niif; -i"i-1 I Iiia.{&sl, B,r!$1,
as the market stabilised following a sustained period 'ri-rt,'i';i:,ii i-r; "/ '"j'j
of strong growth and record demand, according to 'MONTH: DOWN -O.93% TO 'i.'1i!li i-ji:r i i"-: :,i
figures released by the SMMT. 63,316 light commercial
vehiclee hit British roads last month, representing a small fall 63,316 ; iitIi:.Ii:'ti:.
of -0.9% and ihe first decline in March for five years. .YTD: DOWN -0.95% TO
r Light cornmercial vehicl€ mark€t d€clines nnrgindU in Mardt' falling 97,970
TO 4,808
-{.9% fellowirq a rrcord 201S I .YTD: DOWN -27.71oloTO
r Demand lor pickups continues upward trend, risirq 23.0% during the lri i:it:i i:::ii--]ii'l .,: l r; ...,r 7,S)3
'i'.-::;i'"iir:i:r. :i. r": i;
monttt II
.MONTH: DOWN -3.96% TO
r gT.gTOvansregisteredin 01 -aslightdeclineof -0.8% overthesarne 8,496 .::.! iiiitl+il5 i.ri t.i,t
penod last year .YTD: DO|VN -0.55% TO . MONTH: UP 3.58o/o T0
Ul{ VAN REEISTRATIONS ilr;iirre Yir;r. Ir'ri,jiLr, rv,:'i fr .-'l : 1 1., l,:l'. 13,8,21
.YTD: UP 3.27% TO 61,607
w'ss il I,af&:9lrt&r*
I I,tar*16?qr*S
3{&"S& ,. ': .
Ti-:i'ti',illi ii ;i it.
.i.., .,. .MONTH: UP 1.86% TO 1,073
rfs'W liar Sryp Mar Sap $e S#P f*s Sef! i&t S*6 W
*He mle e0t3 ?81; rqr4 4fi4 m15 ;f,1i lslE
MAFCH 2017
Pickups and heavia vans experienced an increase in demryd in March -
up 23.0% and 3.6% resp€ctiwly. l'khr{ffer figures for smalM \mns painted a
dill€rent picture, with registrations of vef{des wei$ting less trff 2'0 tonne
dc'\.{n bV -31 .6% and vans beteveen 2.&2.5 tonras fallhtg -4'O%'
Mike Hawm, SMMT Chiel E)<ecuitue, said; "The na,v wn market
has expariwrced stror€ lanets of demand in receflt year$ and this dip in
registrations rqrwrts a natural rebahncirg of tho market.
'Despile the decline demard remains at an histsically high larel, with
year-todate registrations matchftg 2015's performance, whhh was only
excee&d by dernand in 2016. We expsct demand to rernain stable at this
high level ttroughoul fle ymr.'
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