Page 144 - ITUK Press Cuttings 2017
P. 144


        ilarac*  ir"r Aberdeeu.            al the hcavirr end of ilre market  r^,'e didn'i  6our  years  in drarge  nf ITUK wlrn we have
          "Hr*  ar* hnpiag  to ag;;*int a de;rler in  crlmp{te. I n^rcan the traditianal  Auntrali;ur  had &rxe  neferendu*rs  in consesrtive,
        ilr-rnrlee in the rrear  fui:-rre  and a fuil sales and  68 lorure  r-igs rvith is,c trailers.  \4re dirin't  theimplementationof  Euro  5 engines and
        ren,ire  dcaleiship  has opr,ntr{ fur Srcxbr.rr:n  stretch into these l'rorse povr.ers, but r.r.e  rvere  lhe intreductisn of l4hole of \lehide  Type
        unrier  the banner  of Cr"ryrr:!1,  all  |oining  the  mesiiveh,  strong in the lighter;and  mr.dium  Appmval and, in spite of that lot, we had to
        hrglrlv succcssful  rtrrd ;,vi'ard  rvinrung wesi ol  weigk  markets.  soldier on, selling trucks.'
        ktlrland d*alersldp,  hnpcrial Commucials  'What also helped was ilre {arl that there  Againon  re8ectiorl  the rretiring dlaiunan
        basrci at Corran, Clatgnrlr        is ao import duty on cab and chassk  trucks  of ITLIK wisk$ there arc &ings  ie had dore
          'ilur  ftrllv ilppsinted  kainine centr* at  enter:ing  Auskalia.  This  is not the mse in  diffurently. 'I should  have  lived  in t]e IJK
        {TUK hcadquarter in !-latficid  is now hat  Hunrpe of cr:urse,  r,r.lrere  semi knock down  rather *ran being  based  in Bnrspl$.  I no1  .
        $n saies. parh;  ar'rd aftersales training  plus t:f  kits   6*  to our: Mir{i production  plant at  spend  betrveen 35 and 40*, of my time  in tlre
             technicol  traini*g  where ilrey covel all  trtrona in hal1. *'ho prceluct t;tr cufrant  UK anyway.  Horrever I suppose  having  tc
        iitcets oi the rnecl*rnira'  wr.lrk and oL{ c{fitfi:  rarrge  of 3.5 to 12 tonnc- truckt.  look after Eurnpe  *nd the Midi production
        i.: nrrn lrtec *ppnrved.'            'i'!4: wr:uid  of course ]ike a r,vider  pr:odugt  plant mysix  languages  did com€ inhandir.
          Back  discr.Bsing his tenure  as bo".;s af IT  line-up ;ind  r,,t e contimaill' ptearl oru w-ish
        Australiii"  the trueh  manutaclun:r's  first  list with  |apa+  because at ITUK ure ld,ai-rt  ffifiErffiE
        mafi;riry oyrned tmck *al* companli  Yuki  to compete;n  as ma*\r r.r,eights as pn$rit)le
        ecails,  'lsuzu  held &'$'ii,  of ihe st*ek  r,,'ith  and ironicalll,, i\4idi h;u  the spare produclinn  'Loeking  back" one of my greatest
        th* rernaining.l0l[  held l-rv Ceneral  Motor:.  CaFla{itY t(]} coI}e.  m0rnents was the wiruring of Isu;u's
        When I i*ft tn trke up th* Eur*pean  post u,$  'Non,  tha{ rve  have Br*xit, if the L:K  enourned  I-1 Grand PrixWorld Technical
        hcld  a rrarkri leariing ?51?,  of all ArrstralLr's  readred  a special tradirg  agrc'*:rr:rrt  r,r,ith  comp€Ution. In 2$14 it was won by the team
        truck sales over  3.5 tonnes, admittedly rr,iih  a  Japan  it r"ould be a sea change for us,  trom Imperial Cornmercials  in Glersgow and
        full range of kueks and tracior r*rits on of[e:^.  allh+Lrgh so far: thin6s  havt nct l-rec,n  made  Australia werc  serondl
          Yuki Murata cnnllrn:ed  considerabie  anv easier u,ith  the cl*r,'aiu;rtiexr  ol the Pound  'Alscl  one year  later Imperial
        pressurr *ince he 1,,,a$'!rot  a]lowed tn slip  rrersris  the Yen and Euro"  Commereials  took third spt and became
        ir"t[o  seccnd plau*'.               'On reilectiory rnyeight  1.ears  in Australia  the first eve* two consecutive podium
          'W.hat cnmporuded the prtssure rva.s that  uvas  relalil,elv  prctrJern fiee crrmpared  to  Enishers  in the comptitioru
                                                                                'I'm so for&rnate to have worked these
                                                                               last four years with  such a professional
                                                                               gncup which has maintained  standardt
          8loilal fluaril ltliniling llcalcr$ni[                               even with  lhe retirernent  of Nikki Xing who
                                                                               did so urueh to elevate  Isuzu  Truck UK
                                                                               to the current  position it enioye  however
                                                                               I had to appoint Nikki's successnr and
          firi\l.lil\t,tlr,,rrtrl   ol  \r-riil,rnri.  lrtrg,l.ri  11  (.(\i1ril1{r11;(tl-'l"ri,,ii,,lr,rli-t:}tii,i..1'1'q.l  11  I'm delighted ter say drat Pete Mrtphy
          1rt,,,..,,,  t.1..-::,,'r:il.,(1,.rr.rJil,  i,r'r;*ilr,rli)r.'rl,r',1.r11,,r.ri  -:.;;,  1,1-11:ii  1,1 i;1r1-  has taken on the mantle of managing
           lir.'iirl  lli'itislr:r'r-\ i!-! lt'.rn.r  ll * irt l:u,:Lt'.r l-i tir.rnri  i)rir li'iirrii.rl rrrl;tl-t'!.illrrr,  ltt'lcl  ttt  director  u,i& *kill and tenacity.  I consider
          ]  a L,.rrr.                                                         my appointment eif Pete as one$f  the be$t
            ilr.r1i,r-priir,:ir.rl  !\'illit: \lrrrll  is iiirtifi.rl,ll  l,nrrrr.l   oi ihir'( rrltit'n Slr.tirner' ivin ir.h:'lr  in  decisions I have made in rny business  life. I
           ,n.lr1'1\-a\'! thot i-trlrnirr"lljorr  rri irtlrtini-ririu.  ltrnlarrl  ilrrr{fir\5  frorrr 11){!1 rl lllrl t;\)\'.}i}  am leaving  ITUI( in a safe pair of hands'
           i,',r:. irriii.itrcl .rs  "ur  lsrrzL: s.r]t: airil !artiar  ngclr('11  rtrirrcirii'rLt.rllr'  Iltt -.tttti t'c,tr  a-s llti:  And so Yuki Murata  has his flight  tickets
           l(..itn(j,lr,\.Nil,f iliing.rnrl irr.,r.iillu.r{Lrr,!}nrirrn\  irirrtrIt'rt,r,,iri'.  bmked  from Brr.rssels to Tokyo on 31 May
            l{rc.r1ls  l,liillitr;'ftrl) cir'aitr.hip stillrrr  h.r5.riirrfk.,il in l{}ilS  u'h,rn  1\'L'  .rc.rir'!l  rtr,ltrri  rl.rrri'  to fulfil two or three  months  sf handover
           l-]rtttliit5  iir.r llr,: nrarrltrc  ar-rd 0l rr lht vc.r.r'r,  s;lltrs si'aitr:r  irt rrrll lrtit lt"tt c l.t,t-,ril.r n]ort  workinlapan before his retirement,
           tj  jve  r:ifit,ql rvrlh proritrt1  .1rilrtri11l1'lr1'nrirrinq  nrtr-i, 1\.rLl{)iIri't}(l  l].rrLir:u1,.}rl\  itr ll.l tunnt'  probably  in August.
           rt'liil:.rlls.                                                       Yuki  was chairman  of Isuzu  Truck UK,
            'lit'l.ail'.inci   nlJiIll(,il.rr":LU  Lr]lttirris  lr.rt t,r.r'r|riinLrlii tc, ir-rcre.trr  in{o ,i :,ulr>i.titti,rl  lsuzu T-ruck  Europe and a boad member
           itrrrlir-.iiti.rrrrl  -r{l!iicarrl[,iircrl  rrrl!-rrrritr'   ]rt'nr:,lr.llirrr   irririiltl(,j.iirr]Lr',  r\'l1r']'r'lirc I i I'(  *f Micti based  in Verona  It is expected
           Ltrrtorrrr:i  ( art  It'i1g1-.1111ntr'ir"t:,  1.*t:tt  l-..lrti{tulnrly  trr'li rt1-rlticialr-'rl.  his successor will be someone  primarily
            '1  .In ti.:iiqhtc.i tlt.:t trtatruf.tuttift]r l-,,.1(i\-il-i) .tn11 .r.t|p$rL is r'nFYrrl ilr.' all rii'Irat'ttrrr'ttt.  rrt  based inJapa*who  will hold the title of
           trrn-isrr,,i,:  rlt,,,l1.'r'"il;,  tlutiL> lo lhr'r'r't'r   ir,r.'rrinl'tnn  iir" aiiiitrr'ir',:l lirr' ljatiiliri  i lt].  c}ajrman  of ITUK  but will be commuting
            '!\:t,arc   r{ll)tiilLrin.j  lti iI\.t,st irr tlrl fr:tnchix,  r|ith.  irir r:r;rrrlp.}r',  .ttt'|t.'.1ltLl  hr'\  (]fir1'  periodically  a* Pete Murphy the UK
           lr^,:iriirriproqrnnrlr'.ilrri \\'r'ilnr'(rttrL'ntl\  fttnlr:tissiottt'rliuriI1('rtlulrfl  \'.'ltt)jtliLl!l  managing  director, will be regularly
           Irrilu aorp(rr.rt(.'  li\'r,fl lL) jr!in orir- p.rrls rli:;lriL.irijt,rr rn,l rtttrl.itl .]:isi5tJrrar'  pr'(l*l.l!-iln1f5  briefing the  Japanese  HQ on developments
                                                                               in Britain.
                                                                               May 2017 Cornrnerclal Yehlcle rnemcar  [!l
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