Page 145 - ITUK Press Cuttings 2017
P. 145

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    ffiwffiffiwffiffiffi                                                                SMMT {tr

                                                                               DRIVINGTHE              R\
                                                                      MOTOR INDUSTRY W

          ight commercial vehble  registretions dsclinsd  in April,  falling
                                                                 ,i"r:""i. ii&id$ I*
          -18.8%  to 22,625 unils according to figures  released  by the       ":'-S
                                                                  ?ti  t.i  iii [S  ..].  V. trlr'.
         SMMT. The pertolrnsnce follows a Friod  ot rapidv g{owing
          levels of demand,  with April zgt6 the highest  performance  on  .MONTH:  DOWN  -18.85% TO
                                                                .YTD:  DOWN -4.88% TO
       Light commercial  vehicle registraiicns  lall -18.87o in April foliowing  120,595
       period  of record  demand
       Declines across  ali vafi  segmeflts,  bul  pickup demand continues
       upward  trend, rising 4.5Yo in April and 1 7.60/0 YTD
       SveIall  year-to-date rcgistrations  down  -4.S%  but demand  fcr vans                 u.;\il$ i.jl: T{-} }
       rBmains  at a high levd                                                                  'Iili'$rf,:i

                                                                                          .  MONTH:  DOWN  -37.47  TO
          tJX Y*X SfglSI*ATfSf,g frollhE y*artrtats  *rril tilt1 ts dare                           1,747
     s#$-*,*$                                                                              .YTD:  DOWN  -29.7AYofO

    .  ' I  .,:.'
     ss8.*86                                                   )..jiri.i5   ijG*L:l L: Ti-i, il.l.:
                                                                  iil  i i iri il:i! a:.V',,",J  .
                                                               .MONTH:  DOWN  -0.23% TO
     r*m@                                                       .YTD:  DOWN  -O.48% TO
          .&st setr.. &*v frct  ap, Srt  &pr &e  Apr  Oct  's$i .*ei &tr
          a&r? ;at.] 'its93 a.*1t ;C'13 IEt! attd i81& }fi5 2il5  a*$  :1ffi6  e*1?
                                                                                           ui"t'.t* rFi*5Jt  ;.i:; ?{i
    APRIL 2017                                                                             :?,"5'a{}hir*  ils *.v. fb,.
     The srnall  and large van segmerds  both  gxperiflced  a decline  in April,
                                                                                          .MONTH:  DOWN  -23.09o/o TO
    with demand  for \ran$ under 2.0 toflnes  down  -37.5%. while wre veighing                    13,583
    ?.5-3.5  tonnes  fell -23.1%. The nedium  sized van nnrket howeraer remained
    koadly stable  - dipping  just -A,2oA  - uhite pickups  continued  to increase in      .YTD:  DOWN  -2.754/0TO
    pquia{ity,  with  demand  growing  4,$%  last rnonth.
      Mike Hawes,  SMMT  Chiel  Executive, said;  'April is traditionally  a small
    msrth  for new L()/ registrations  fotlowing  the  plats.change in March  and,
    corning  on the back  of do{"Ibb-dign  growth  that resultd in a record  April  V"Ary$ fffi*t!,t 3.5 T* *
    in e016, this rnonth's decline  cornes as no surprise.  Overa$,  the market  T*$ruil$ {:; if.w"
    rerfiains robilst,howsver, and so lofig m busines  confidence  arnong
    operators  can be maintained,  we exp€ot to see  the markot  remain at what is  .MONTH:  DOWN  -6.42% TO
    a historical$  high larcl over the course of the year."                                  I
                                                                .YTD:  DOWN  -3.66% TO

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