Page 30 - Isuzu Truck Press Cuttings January 2017
P. 30


                     i ; .:,i.: ,, "-..,

tlkffirne tc Transpofi Engineef magazhe'* xetsite,'me homepry* f*r t*ansprt eng*neers an{t
*est maniuers" hroLqht tc y$u ry th* ISITE Frofer:isral $e*tCIr af SGE aff, GtA Busirnss.

News                                                                           .

lilicftalin launch*s gtal*sittsn npp*rfercy tfre ielrlcq

                                                    &dLtrelh"s StlCaS Arefift$$r$n auahfianm sryln

                                                    nCIr &atm*s a gmse*affir affi an*l a pay-as-
                                                    you{o facffiy.

                                                    Ttte Stea* aW €n H uS asos$ &e UX aft{l
                                                    Itehod aad. s*ys iilk*te$r, H&e ffii

                                                    stna{tpfr}Ene tml cf ,ils t$xl te tffi gfaecatt}n

                                                    tedtm$Sy ttr ffiri ffimrnrcial yehffi drty*rs

                                                    ur8r aa ern€rgeflcytyre r*plrcmert
                                                    se,rvfrx"U*rs opn trc "-. r Read ill*rr

Eurogran flstt$ on thc up                 ttlr1l&t3i? ethrtight L*Ht join* lruas {?fi!**.t?

   :,jt)        {,8  S&Yefi sut of t0 csmmeffihl                 lsuzu Tnre*UKlmr
                     fre*t *pmators are pr*dleffiq               erpard*d iH dealer millorlr
   lffi lig          grclly[r Fl &*.""                           with the appofitmeot of .-.
                                                                 :* Read ldare
m                    p Reatl More

Catcfr hyb*rl LPG tanlmr                            l*lgh load tmihrtyte

                   cabr Ga* h tp dewep th*                       $aua Tyrer, a G*ctry*ar

                 srsrxl'$ mt ftyHid LPS                ..$       brail{r- lr*s a*$suoc*d a $#$
                  $qtnerl ps$akum."-
                     p Rtad More
                                                                 **gn ba{rtra&f t$e, ""-

                                                                 :r Re*$ More

Buansr mtt* !&lvs sfipload*fs t?n&rtpgr?            E*vtn tlm?Gs tp lfft$msL$ry l?Stgf{?

                       S$nmsw lA&Se hdailagemenl                          Seryan #rcup" s$rk$r
                                                                        ffiBbrale{ 48 y*ar* af tra$ing
                 h**takndee ry*ffsur                                    last yea[ hxs mrnplel*<l -".
                 l{ahf* FL *ftI@erc *s "".
                                                                      r Ftead M*re
                     p Rea{ Mure

lHr*fiall rwiteh*e to lil*rcfil]i x?]Btpgt?         $ffidi$h es Sors *l:ctfi*

                  *ilarshail Fleet $o*ffirs has                           lfufim Hu$es h**$dBn a$
                 trdf{t *n*tftef 30 klerm{es-
                                                                 of6erfffifsuf l,bfi.o Iffi
                       Befiz 3"$-10nfis.."
                     n H*ad M*re                                   em*r-nym hr*s "."

                                                                       s Ste**l Mffa
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