Page 35 - Isuzu Truck Press Cuttings January 2017
P. 35
tatrd llsm Janirary 1$ ?il1i in H*v; Prociucts He*t,f;t*dy to B*k: He$, YIY lmarsk Ster stt $,alt
Ths tlrinks are $n Isuzu
' * tr;:tr', Gi+1ff p
*s parl u{ a rec*nt tle*t updat* prograffms to introtl*re 7 5
t#rne trueks at its two depats in Petersfield a*d
Sridgw*ter. Tclcharrls firir:ks taok th* de*isicn tc sprr*te
ls*m tr*cks withi* its ?7 strong distrib*tisn fl*+t f*r the
fir:t tine.lw* brand fissl lsuru Forward fi75.1$S manu*I
rigldr littrd with slirSlngcrrt*i* sidsd h*diel ftrB nsw
working from thc lclehxrds hranches rn l{ampshire and
T*lchards CIapol l'l**agrr.lory Perk*s. said' "After
evafuati*g s*v*ral diffrrent vehirle makes. lhe l*zu ? 5
to*ne rigrd was the *bviorrs eholse for us ar we n**ded to
m*rimi* the w*iehi c*ni*tl CIn eaeh,t$*rfi*y. F{ith tlre lsurus #8 *re able to achieve payhads af ;lt lc* t 3 5 ts*nffi whieh
h p*rl*ct {or sur bu*isess,-
$u{tpilc$ by lwal lsuru r}ealer T llarvey. lhe **w lruu trurks wlll h* eov*ring in exr*ss *f ?5.S00 rnil*s p*r ar}ntfin *y*{ a
xcrlcilH li{n *{ betwee* fiyr ancn seven y*ars. Both vehichs are working cn hiSr inien*ty r*ulti"drsp *p*r*tiulrs'sh*rc th*y
w*ll be pri*cip;rlly *perating at r**xirnrsx rveight.
*Wt ar* r*ally plearrd that thsy hau* ch*sm to add the lsurtt rfiarqrf, to thrir distrib*ti*n fle*t as *ur ve*r+les ar*
renouned frr the Faylo*d xdvantaga a*d reli*ble p*rfrrnnsrrc* that Tri*hards r*$irs fur ik regi*nai qlistribxft*fi
tpertti*n," said Fete |*{u,r*rlry, H**aging 0irertor, Isuar Tru* UX
ffi ffi