Page 34 - Isuzu Truck Press Cuttings January 2017
P. 34

ffiffiffiRffi *eaffhYftfryryryI                                                                                                       Login / SegS{er

                                                                                                                                     ilVliA lit'rall:.

Cartwrlght Fle*t Scrvicsf opanr 6sr{*rth lsuau           13 J*nu*ry t01?
                                                                            .; ii .'r : i i-: r i,,, ". ,',.. ,,,
:J11 4.,. t: F,++, Sr,,l-p-. -1 -1 illgj-ri :lt.
'iJZl iril j: (;03rrrii .i: -' :;,1rJrh -e*a l
;ri?* c*'relir U,: j!'fii;il e: 1i{i ck :r: d itf, tiei
-r E T','ic ?:

ffgP3 effi aftaffial€s *enrk*s far l3u:u Trucl* tu$ Erqe of tsffimercial uenkhs frorn 3.$ t0 12


Csrltr{rqkt fBet Se{vHs'OarEfiEilfi $eru*s rW inc$r(k ln$ptd$r}E, *ro?s. rep*f antl
ln8ifil*n*nce, affl neyv yehkk delhiBfEs.

"Jit*{ e$ mipoflafitly t re affi s$h lo s$pport athet Caffitrqd Orsup cttr}pank$ sffh

ffi{npEmefittry len tc*$,', $tatffi rurl,

'Afld Efi* rdl. af qsuree" hs atk to st pply aft, fuppefl tfrr ffi{trF&te rar{* of ppuhr truets t'o*l

I6[*un st a Hf fi,ts{t*t rqb*.'

The m* k#fry $ru 5Bo srorftlB r*-rfisl€s trsihf arut ffrcil mafitenaflcf arH strvk&tg a3 $€$ a$
all &d{lfflofial s*e ilof cafrytrw nefiats.

Tsrf $ay$ llle illorlffittop. firH€nBy somp*ilfg se\Bn hayr, ts l* be exlen{id ysll! sx afittronal
bay3lhh $prhu tn supp*fituithef *r*yrth.

Ttffi compafiy l* fiko lni€rtatts ffioo.ffifl & $trdrlce an sn-*lle ATr {auth$ftsr{t t*$t*rg ecfiiry}.

TtB Lneds faffity briBatk lotal flur&r oic&tturlgttt Fhst sfffflB,i 5sE3 to five. reltfi extsug

bffitlo{l$ m Ardf&e. fl$hdtailr, Eruntin*{}ffpe arur lflytte$Ehtrn

CslttrtsIxt Fket Seryiccs ha$ s,$afffil #gnftleantly 3intr f,*1$i $e flsfi6fsrfie h{3 {ffiyn from 12
to 1?0. Ercltl('iry ffi( rppr*nIhe$, a*d tne cornpafiy s ,16€l of mablts trdlftlc*irl !ra$E h*s is$r{n€{l


Eriar] Tinharn


r$ffiu Trffik t{Jx} ud
The caflwf*ttt grsup
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37