Page 24 - 360 Steamer.Manual.ENG
P. 24


               PROBLEM                         CAUSE                         SOLUTION
     The appliance does not start   The power cord is not correctly   Plug the power cord plug into
     up.                           plugged into the power supply   the power supply outlet correctly
                                   outlet or outlet is not working   and/or check the power supply.

     After the boiler is turned on,   The water level in the reservoir   Fill the reservoir with water and
     the no water icon on the display  is low.                     start up the appliance once more.
     starts to blink and the appliance
     emits a sound signal.

     With the molded plug of the   The molded plug is not correctly  Check that the appliance’s
     handle inserted, the motor    inserted into the unit.         molded plug is correctly inserted.
     does not turn off and the steam
     function is not enabled.

     An accessory has fallen off   The accessory was not correctly   Attach the accessory correctly.
     during use.                   attached.
     Vacuum air flow is too low.   Air flow inside the vacuum tank   Make sure that the vacuum tank
                                   is restricted or the vacuum tank   is correctly attached.
                                   was not sealed correctly.
     Vacuum capacity too low       Obstruction of the flexible hose   Check and clean the flexible hose
     during use.                   or accessory. Partial obstruction   or accessory. Visually check and
                                   of the aspirator conduit.       clean the aspirator conduit.
     The motor functions correctly   Safety Float is activated.    Empty the Vacuum tank.
     but there is no suction.

     The flexible hose or accessories  Presence of dirt, mold or   Empty the Vacuum Tank and rinse
     smell.                        incrustations in the hose or    the tubes and accessories with
                                   accessories.                    clean water.

     E01 Refill water reservoir      E04 Empty waste reservoir       E07 Boiler overheated
     E02 Refill hot water reservoir  E05 Descale the boiler          E10 Maintenance
     E03 Refilling boiler failed

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