Page 162 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 162


               A HPR Gundog and

                   so much more...

                                                                                         By Ruth Burgess

           I am not a breeder, or a judge (in any discipline),   Fast-forward roughly two years and I couldn’t
           however I can truly say with my hand on my          imagine being without Dale and a Weimaraner.
           heart this very special breed changed my life.      I was so thoroughly converted it was my
                                                               suggestion we became a two-dog family and a
           From the age of two, I was frightened of dogs       few months later three year old Lucy arrived, via
           and as I grew up this fear did not subside. I       the WCGB’s rescue and re-homing service. In
           avoided them and couldn’t stand the thought of      2012, I felt ready for a puppy and after going to
           being near one, simple as that.                     a few companion shows with the two adult Weis,
                                                               we thought we’d give dog showing a try. We
           Twelve years ago, I met my now-husband Dale,        were lucky enough to have a male, Bentley, from
           at his car paints shop when I called in for some    Stephen and Patsy. We are making wonderful
           aerosols. It’s amazing we ever got to know          memories and have met lots of lovely people.
           each other at all, because Dale had a huge and
           terrifying beast of a silver dog which always       Bentley has won 1 CC with BOB, plus 2 RCCs.
           went to work with him. Of course, “Hantz” was       He’s also an Open Show BIS winner, ShCM
           neither huge nor terrifying (he was actually        holder, and in early 2020 his Veteran Warrant
           slight in build for a male and very gentle) but to   was confirmed. We didn’t make memories solely
           someone who had spent their whole life feeling      in the show ring though, as Hantz, Lucy and
           afraid of dogs, being anywhere near him was         Bentley all went on to have success in the most
           a daunting prospect. Inexplicably, he was so        recently recognised KC discipline – Rally.
           happy to see me, but I wished he’d just ignore
           me. No chance. I regularly needed to call in for    Rally
           car paints as I was working at a garage at the
           time, and every visit I made to the shop, this      Rally is derived from the heelwork elements
           dog was absolutely thrilled to see me from the      of competitive Obedience. Unlike Obedience,
           other side of the trade counter. I don’t know how   handlers and dogs attempt a preset course with
           he did it but eventually Dale convinced me to       no instruction from the judge. There are signs
           let Hantz get close to me. He opened the door       placed at up to 18 stations of the course and the
           into the shop floor area and Hantz trotted out      requirement is to perform any one of the 80+
           proudly. If I skip to the end of this story, I’ll say   exercises available. These are chosen by the
           my phobia was cured and I’d made a friend for       judge and everyone in the class will attempt the
           life.                                               same course, one handler at a time. There are

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