Page 165 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 165
Although numerically less popular than Breed
Showing, Field Trialing, Agility and Working
Trials (all of which the Weimaraner has excelled
in), this versatile and intelligent breed is also
highly capable of holding their own in Rally and
Obedience too. I am not suggesting the two
sports are near identical to each other, they are
not, the rules and regulations are quite different.
However, in my experience if you can train for
and enjoy one then there’s nothing stopping you
doing the same in the other. Weimaraners love
to learn, they love being with their owners and
they thrive on mental and physical stimulation.
I appreciate these activities are not what this
HPR Gundog was bred for, but one could argue
the initial concepts are the same. A competing
Heel off lead. This is Hantz at a training dog must be steady, under control, capable of a
event learning the ropes in preparation for retrieve and perform an accurate send-away. If
Competitive Obedience. His shoulder is in an owner is not in a position to work their dog in
line with my knee, which is the position a the Field, there are other ways their highly active
Judge expects to see your dog consistently brains can channel their enthusiasm and hone
working in. No treats are allowed in the ring their skills as an intelligent, versatile and loving
in Rally or Obedience, unless you want to be breed.
The Stay exercise. Depending on the class,
this can be a sit or a down and last between
one and ten minutes. Although dogs are
tested individually for all other elements, all
dogs in perform the Stay exercise together,
in one ring at the same time There is a “Bentley”
reasonable distance between the dogs, but aka
there is no physical divide. When I had two Gunalt Rock Out With Hantzburg,
dogs entered, I was allowed to take them into ShCM, RL1, P-Beg.Ex
the stay ring together so they could both be