Page 157 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 157
events, which added to the future health and Jacqui Ward would slave over a little cooker
positive elements of the breed. We have making large amounts of tasty stew; everyone
tirelessly produced shows and it was decided would gather to devour this after hours in the
from the start that serving committee members cold. Previous committee member Val Grant,
would neither enter dogs nor judge at any organised shooting days often at Harewood
N.E.W.S. show therefore the club was impartial House courtesy of Lord Harewood then in recent
to the owners entering exhibits at our shows. As years, Jean Byrne took on this task arranging
many of the committee members actively show training days around Yorkshire, Lancashire &
their dogs, this immediately lowers the entry at Derbyshire.
all our shows.
N.E.W.S. have consistently run breed seminars,
In 2004, the 4 breed clubs contacted the Kennel with great success of pass rates and a goodly
Club regarding the importation of 2 bitches from number of non-breed specialists taking an
America. Nothing wrong with imports I hear you interest in the breed. In recent years, the Kennel
say, however, these were registered as ‘blue’ Club have been in the process of overhauling
and not the correct colour of silver grey! Since the judging system and have introduced Breed
then, it seems to have been an uphill struggle Appreciation Days and mentoring sessions. We
with lots of time, effort and correspondence have embraced these changes, again running
between the breed clubs and the Kennel Club. successful informative days.
Sadly, the blue dogs have been marketed as
‘rare’ therefore breeders selling puppies for
When N.E.W.S. was formed, we held fun days
inflated prices. We continue to pursue the
in conjunction with the Northern English Setter
Kennel Club on this matter.
Society, both clubs benefitting and giving back
to the enthusiasts and their dogs. We also had
With foresight, N.E.W.S. orchestrated the dinner dances with N.E.S.S. but these seem to
compilation of a Results Book so all the have fallen out of favour in today’s climate.
championship show results were collated in
one place. Christine Rayner along with her late
Companion shows have also been organised
husband Charles were the first editors in 1993
with profits going to the Independent
gathering all the championship show results into
Weimaraner Rescue & Rehoming Service
a ring bound booklet. In 1998 it was decided to
include all the critiques from the championship
show too. Claire Rodgers, our current Secretary
& Jacqui Ward has edited the publication for a Secretary of N.E.W.S. is Claire Rodgers who
number of years, which has grown in content is supported by the Chairman Sandra Marshall
and popularity. Photographs of the top awards and a small hard working committee.
are included plus new Show Champions &
Champions in the year of publication. Adverts
from breeders/exhibitors also adorn the pages.
Consequently the N.E.W.S. Results Book is a
brilliant source of reference.
We have actively organised gundog training
days. These initially were run with Brian Finan,
Ian Grant and sometimes Di Arrowsmith
putting owners and dogs through their paces.