Page 36 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 36
There seem to be so many different attitudes relationships, real or imagined, between judges
towards who should show what under whom and handlers.
these days. I must say that I have found few
people who believe that it is perfectly in order I am always puzzled when I hear of close
for a dog to be shown under its breeder in the “friends” falling out forever because they didn’t
breed classes (as was at one time permissible do as well as expected when one showed to
here in the UK, provided the dog had been out the other. Surely friendships develop gradually
of its breeder’s ownership for a minimum period over a period of time based on, as I pointed out
of twelve months). That scenario I always felt earlier, seeing a breed through similar eyes. With
was a question of “damned if you do, damned if friendship comes a level of genuine affection but
you don’t”. Put up a dog that you bred and you also respect; respect for opinions and respect for
are demonstrating nepotism and crookery. Put integrity. Over half a century in the sport I have
down a dog that you bred and you are publicly discovered that genuine friends who are worthy
declaring a very low opinion of the stock you of the name accept each other, warts and all.
breed yourself. It really was the road to nowhere. Their acceptance of their friends also reflects
Strangely, in the UK it is still allowed to judge a the attitude they adopt when they come to judge
dog you bred if it comes through to you at group dogs – they appreciate their virtues yet see their
level, however I cannot remember a case yet failings in perspective, fully aware that no one is
when this has actually happened as the usual perfect.
course of action has been, when the group judge
is the breeder of a BOB winner, to perform what Some of my friends have what are, to me,
we Brits love … “a lap of honour” … before strange ideas about who should or who should
retiring to tumultuous applause. not show to them. Surely provided no rules
are broken everyone is free to take dogs
So as your career progresses, as exhibitor, under whoever they like. Many I know do not
breeder, show official, judge or whatever so does like “friends” showing under them as they get
your role change and the number of hats you embarrassed – preferring not to put them up,
wear increases. There is now an overlap when but not wanting to put them down. Surely if
you cease to be fish nor fowl. I well remember embarrassing easily is your problem, then the
some dear American friends visiting the UK many centre of the dog ring is not for you! It can be the
years ago and being horrified at the fact that so loneliest place and requires the thickest of skins.
many of our major Championship shows held Judging dogs is not for the sensitive or faint
dinner dances (gone are the days!) at which hearted.
judges and exhibitors mingled freely. I pointed
out that we actually trusted our judges to judge I have no problem with watching a specialist
the dogs regardless of who they were drinking judge awarding most of the major prizes to dogs
with the previous night. I was then reminded that are sired by their stud dogs if - and it’s a
of propriety and how important it is that things very big IF – they are the best and deserving
should be seen to be correct. The mischievous of the awards. It stands to reason that if they
side of me asked if it was preferable and own dominant stud dogs they should produce
acceptable to host a private dinner party behind the type that judge most admires. What riles
closed doors! me is watching someone rewarding mediocre
family relations whilst robbing superior dogs
The whole question of perception and propriety that are not connected with their breeding. That
can get very cloudy in the dog world and in my clearly indicates one of two things – ignorance or
opinion far too many people get too hung up dishonesty.
on what things look like rather than what really
matters. Yes, common sense should always play I recently had occasion to have stern words
its part but quite frankly I am more concerned with someone who is young and enthusiastic,
with what happens in the ring as regards showing dogs successfully and now starting off
the merits of the dogs competing than any on the judging path. Given guidance this young