Page 37 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 37

man could have a future as he has obvious          whose opinion they greatly valued; it was no big
           talent and a good eye for a dog. It was therefore   secret and was publicised on Facebook for all
           disheartening and disappointing to hear that he    the world to see. Weeks later I was judging in
           had approached a friend of mine and told him       my friend’s own country and he appeared in the
           that he would be showing to him in the near        ring. I daresay some of his competitors would
           future. What was the point of that? In any event   have seen those Facebook pictures and may
           I told the young offender in no uncertain terms    have been thinking this gave him some kind of
           that he had made a huge error of judgement         advantage. Thankfully I was mentored at a very
           that had not been appreciated by my friend         young age by Nigel Aubrey-Jones in the art of
           who, thankfully, is not the kind to allow any level   judging dogs cold and ignoring all the extraneous
           of inappropriate behaviour to blind him to a       rubbish that can flood into the brain and cloud
           deserving dog. I went on to explain that when I    it. Did I give undue attention to the fact that my
           was showing dogs I never, ever, told a judge that   friend was in the ring? Not really, I liked his bitch
           I would be showing under them. I merely got the    up to a point, fully aware of her winning record,
           dogs looking as good as possible, turned up and    but in my opinion there was a superior male that I
           took my chance. This applied to total strangers    had never seen before with a handler I had never
           and good friends alike. Eventually he took my      seen who beat her in three convincing areas
           point and I would like to think he won’t make the   and so he won the Breed whilst she was Best
           same mistake twice.                                Opposite. Did my friend throw a hissy fit? Did he
                                                              blank me when we spoke hours later? No. He
             If we have respect for our friends we must       could see the merits in the dog that beat his and
           respect their judgement, whether we are            we remain very good friends.
           watching from inside the ring or from ringside. If
           we show under them we take our wins or losses,       Most of our judges regularly get to judge dogs
           hopefully knowing that they were made honestly     that are shown by handlers who are friends,
           and with knowledge.                                acquaintances or possibly even past employees.
                                                              Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose, it all
             Another perplexing trait of some judges I know   depends on the quality of the dog they happen
           very well is the need they feel to apologise to    to be handling and the level of competition they
           someone who has shown dogs to them and who         meet. Judging dogs is not rocket science … if
           hasn’t done as well as the judge would have liked  you concentrate on what matters.
           to do them, based purely on their friendship. Why
           would anyone ever feel they should apologise         At judging seminars the attendees sometimes
           for doing the best job they could? That is what    are visibly horrified when I admit to them that
           they were there to do and that is what any friend   nothing gives me greater pleasure than being
           should expect them to do.                          able to put up a friend when they have the best
                                                              dog. That is not a crime. Putting up a friend when
             Those of us who have spent virtually a lifetime   you are robbing a superior dog in the process is.
           in dogs have many friends and acquaintances        Ownership does not affect any dog’s merits.
           with whom we socialise from time to time. Some
           of us are judges, some of us are breeders and or     What matters above all else in the sport is
           exhibitors and some of us are handlers. Contrary   that all dogs are judged on a level playing field,
           to what some rather sad minds might conclude,      evaluated without fear or favour, and the best
           when we do get together the talk never gets        dogs suitably rewarded. Whatever dog wins you
           round to who is handling what, when and where      can be sure that the chuntering classes will be
           as there is a mutual respect that would outlaw     guaranteed to find a reason why. It was ever thus
           such talk. A few years ago I had a situation where  and I daresay always will be.
           I was entertaining a good friend from overseas
           at dinner as he was in the UK to judge a breed                                by Andrew Brace
           specialty. The meal took place because most of
           the committee wanted to show under someone

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