Page 42 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 42
o n
with David Al
with David Alcorn
Keep Your Eyes and Ears Open…
Keep Y our Eyes and Ears Open…
Being one of my most respected authors on into KCJO (now YKC) competitions, with my
canine exhibition, it was of little surprise that Labrador. He was, probably, one of the best
Andrew Brace’s column in the December issue Labradors in the country at the time. A top-class
inspired some of the contents of my column this specimen, of excellent type, great coat and
month. Andrew discussed how people start of movement, and had even managed to win Best
their breeding programme, learning about their In Show at his first show … Leys Park Care
chosen breed, and how they can progress as a Home Exemption Dog Show. Sadly, I found all
breeder/exhibitor of note…or, dare I say it – not! of the judges in the show rings we ventured into,
to be corrupt and unknowledgeable, ignorant
I am lucky enough to have been invited by and generally absolutely useless at their job.
canine clubs and organisations all over the We were generally last, or unplaced. Then,
country, to speak about show dog handling and something dawned on me; my lovely black
how handlers can get the best from their dog in Labrador wasn’t quite like all the others, didn’t
the show ring. We always start the day with a show like all the others did, and was perhaps
casual chat about dog showing and exhibiting, not of the quality I first thought. I took about
and the various attitudes you need to possess learning more about the breed, and dogs in
to reach the top. As I always say, anyone can general, alongside my general interest at that
place a dog’s legs in the right place and move it time in canine behaviour and training. After
at the correct speed, but a deep understanding a short time, it became apparent that he was
of the breed coupled with passion and diligence a fairly dreadful show specimen, with a great
are other essential qualities you need to be able number of breed failings, so I decided he was
to take your dogs to the top. no longer going to be shown (did I mention he
went Best In Show at his first show? Probably
I still regard myself as a relative newcomer to not a cause of my excessively competitive edge
the dog scene (with a lot to learn, no doubt!), at all…). “Benji” never saw a showring again, but
however according to various old rosettes and he never cared, was never loved any less, and
award cards, it was 1997 when I first ventured was never aware of his failings as a Labrador.