Page 43 - K9 News - Issue 15 - March2021
P. 43
He was never bred from, but remains to this day his thinking that dog folks would be far better
the dog who taught me so, so much. to attend events (such as seminars, field trials,
etc) and “keep their eyes and ears open, and
I recount this tale to many people in the hope their mouths shut!”. Of course, his ending to the
it will make them think carefully, and look more sentence rather meant some would be better to
objectively at the dog, or dogs, they own, keep their inflated opinions to themselves, rather
exhibit, and breed from. It has worked; a handful than suggest serious questions weren’t to be
of people have contacted me several months asked! I often hear new exhibitors pontificating
after attending one of my training days to say ringside about how terrible judging was, how
they realised their dog wasn’t the best in the their dog was so badly done to, and think
world, and are now waiting on a puppy from a they ought to listen to Mr McGarry’s excellent
well-known kennel in their breed. Their original advice! With a little knowledge they may grow to
dog(s) aren’t pushed aside, they just move understand their precious prized pet isn’t quite
along the couch a bit to make space for a more the winning pooch they think. Objectivity, and
show-worthy companion who will satisfy the knowing our dogs faults is absolutely key.
thirst that exhibitor has for winning, and taking
their breed forward. We live in a very here and now society – want
a new kitchen, go to Ikea and buy one at the
This is where knowledge and understanding weekend; want a new picture for the lounge
of breeds truly comes into play and where the wall, log onto Amazon and it’ll arrive tomorrow.
education of ones self is so vital. Learning and Unfortunately, many also apply this logic to
understanding a little about all breeds is of dogs and think they can look up a breeder, go
benefit to every exhibitor, and in this day and and see a litter, and their next champion will be
age we are so fortunate to be able to access so coming home with them several weeks later,
many online resources freely and easily, there is or consider it to be possible for a world beater
no excuse for ignorance. Learning about dogs is to come from their very first litter from a mating
fascinating and eye opening and learning about of two random dogs of questionable merit. My
breeds outwith your own will broaden horizons, interest in weimaraners started around the year
as well as undoubtedly gaining information 2000, however it wasn’t until 2004 that I co-
which will be useful to an exhibitor seeking owned my first Champion having done some
success. research into different dogs and decided on
which breeder I wanted on from – based on the
Expression of opinions can be made by quality they produced, and sold, and the type of
anyone; however, it has dog I was looking for. Being
to be an informed opinion patient, making enquiries,
to be credible and to learning, and waiting, was
save embarrassment. essential.
I remember around 20
years ago attending a Everyone has a competitive
pointer seminar, with edge in some way – goodness,
the key speaker being that’s why we all show dogs
Des McGarry of the very - and no matter what anyone
famous Toberdoney says, nobody has managed
pointers. A breeder and to convince me they don’t
judge of note, Des’ words like winning and results don’t
that day still sit with me. matter. A third and a Crufts
When discussing judge’s qualification might be thrilling,
education, in particular, but wouldn’t a CC and Best
Des was quite clear in of Breed be more thrilling? I