Page 48 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 48
touched its painful. ● Abnormal posture of the head, neck, spine
or extremities.
There are a few therapies that treat problems in
the fascia one of them is craniosacral therapy. ● Behavioural problems that come from
emotions that are held in the tissues and
Craniosacral therapy is a very soft therapy.
lead to fear, aggression, shyness to name
It works with grams of pressure (very gentle,
a few.
not full on pressure), to release imbalances
● Improve the of health of patients with
and tensions in the physical body and also
chronic conditions like diabetes, allergies,
the emotional body through the process called
kidney or liver problems for example.
emotional release.
● To treat the unit that are dog and owner
In the physical body we find tensions at the
when the emotional or physical body of the
cranial structures, joint subluxations*, tensions
dog is showing the emotions of the owner.
in the membrane system that surrounds the
● Intervertebral disc hernia, better done
central nervous system, acute and chronic
before or / and after surgery.
trauma, fascial tensions and internal organs
tensions. Emotions held back in the body can be ● Acute fractures which would help the bone
the cause of pain or disease. fragments to get closer.
● Neurological problems like wobbler
A craniosacral therapist applies very gentle
syndrome, hydrocephalus etc.
pressure to very specific points. In doing so
he or she invites the structures in the body to Craniosacral therapy treats loads of conditions
release their tension. at a very deep level. Each patient would have
Craniosacral therapy can be used to: its own experience and level of improvement
● Treat fascial tissue problems after surgery. according to their condition, age and how long
they have had that condition for.
● Treat subluxations * at the spine and
extremities level without applying Sadly, Doug passed away at the beginning of
chiropractic treatment. November, his cancer had spread to his lungs.
● Acute and chronic pain in any part of the Doug had a remarkable response to his
body involving the musculoskeletal system treatment and his mummy was very grateful that
or organs. he had been pain and panic free since he had
● Lameness that can’t be diagnosed or the craniosacral treatments.
treated with other techniques.
I wanted to take this opportunity to remember
● Chronic otitis. his very special soul. Doug, it was a privilege to
● Urinary incontinence. meet you and have the chance to treat you. I will
● Chronic cough and swallowing difficulties. always remember you.
Rest in peace.
Anna Mas,BVSc, MRCVS,
Natural Healing Vet
* a subluxation as described in chiropractic (not in
standard medicine, your regular doctors) which is more the
description of a dysfunction of the muscles that surrounds
a joint and that has an effect on the patients’ health and
wellbeing due to the involvement of the nervous system.