Page 51 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 51

not be fed a ‘one kibble fits all’ puppy diet.     giant breeds.

           During  puppyhood,  one should  never be           DIGESTIVE TRACT PECULIARITIES
           tempted to add  calcium  – in the form of bone
                                                              Looking at a giant dog, you might think, ‘big dog,
           meal, cheese or milk or in any other form – in
                                                              big mouth, big tummy’ and feel that your giant
           the hope of achieving a larger adult.  The size
                                                              dog needs  a big  meal.  In fact, the opposite  is
           of the adult is largely determined by the genetics
                                                              true as the digestive tract makes up only around
           of the parents  and  over-supplementing  calcium
                                                              2.7% of overall bodyweight and the transit time
           can have a catastrophic  effect on the skeleton
                                                              from meal to defaecation  is only around 24-36
           of a giant breed dog.  This is because calcium
                                                              hours (Weber et al, 2001).  Compare  this with
           absorption is passive during this phase, meaning
                                                              humans, who weigh roughly the same, and our
           that the immature body cannot regulate calcium
                                                              digestive tract is around 11% of our overall weight
           levels.  The more calcium you feed, the more
                                                              with a transit time of about three days.  What this
           the  puppy’s  body will store  and, since calcium
                                                              means is that giant dogs need their nutrients and
           is  stored  in the bones, this  can lead to  severe
                                                              calories provided in a very energy-dense format.
           deformities, cartilage failing to grow and weaker
                                                              Otherwise  they are at greater risk of diarrhoea
           bones due to demineralisation as a consequence
                                                              and  nutrient  deficiencies  because  they  simply
           of unbalancing Ca and P.
                                                              don’t have the time to digest a large meal.  In
                                                              addition, giant breeds are known to be at greater
           Protein requirements are higher in growth (30-
                                                              risk of gastric dilative volvulus (GDV) – commonly
           35%) than in adulthood because of muscle building
                                                              known as bloat –  and it  is believed that  large
           in addition to normal maintenance needs.  Protein
                                                              meals are one contributing factor to this.
           quality varies widely, and the biological value is
           generally measured by assessing the amino acid
                                                              When considering  the giant  puppy’s intestinal
           profile and the digestibility of the protein source.
                                                              tract, it’s not only short but is also immature and
           (Hoffman and Falvo, 2005).   Animal proteins
                                                              not fully effective yet, so the giant puppy may be
           usually provide all the essential amino acids, but
                                                              at greater risk of loose stools if large meals are
           the inclusion  of vegetable  protein sources can
                                                              fed.  The digestibility of the diet is paramount in
           help with digestibility and is a more sustainable
                                                              giving the puppy the best chance at absorbing all
           source of protein in pet food with the human
                                                              the necessary nutrients to ensure ideal growth.
           population growing exponentially.
                                                              TWO PHASES OF GROWTH
           One publication (Tal et  al, 2018) highlights  the
           pitfalls of inappropriate  nutrition during  growth,   Unlike smaller breeds, studies have identified two
           describing  the case of a six-month-old  Giant     distinct phases of growth in the giant puppy.  The
           Schnauzer that  presented with intermittent        first phase is the dynamic skeletal growth phase.
           lameness and pain.  The owner had been feeding     A giant puppy achieves around 80% of its adult
           a complex homemade diet based on an internet-      size in just eight months.    This is astonishing
           sourced recipe since acquiring the puppy at two    when you consider that humans take roughly 15
           months of age. Analysis of the diet showed many    years to  achieve comparable growth!   Calorie
           deficiencies and excesses leading to a diagnosis   requirements peak at eight to nine months of age,
           of Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism       after which they start  to taper off  as the puppy
           and rickets.  Changing the diet to one formulated   moves into the junior phase.  For the next 15-16
           of large puppy growth corrected the problem to     months, the junior dog’s muscles fill out and the
           some extent but the dog was left with a permanent   last 20% of the skeletal growth is completed.
           hunched posture and one year later tired easily
           during exercise.  This highlights the importance   Food chosen for either stage should be of high
           of correct nutrition during growth, particularly for   energy density, with high digestibility and adhere

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