Page 55 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 55

T      AKING

                                        THE LEAD
                                        THE LEAD

           Photo: Samantha Webster                                                 By Andrea Keepence-Keyte

           Due to the lack of news, and not wanting to rake    And so, the search began for an alternative
           over topics which are being discussed to death      venue and platform for the finals. For at least
           elsewhere. I thought it was high time to look       two events (and I am happy to be corrected
           back over the years of the adult handling finals.   on this as my memory fails me) the finals were
           Coventry Ladies Kennel Society (CLKS) has           held at the Sports Connexion (knows as the
           long championed handling but in particular adult    sky-blue training ground for those of us old
           classes. Recognising that there was no “premier     enough to remember!) and one final in particular
           event” for the adults, so was born the Coventry     was poignant. In 2014 CLKS was struck by
           Ladies Adult Handling Finals. The finals event      tragedy when Keith MacGregor sadly passed
           itself had pretty humble beginnings, originally     away. Keith was a massive supporter of both
           being held at Bagington village hall, a tiny village   adult handling and CLKS and I know he would
           just outside of Coventry. In its early days the     have been enormously proud of how far adult
           competition itself was small, adult handling        handling has come through the hard work of
           took a while to grow into the competitive arena     CLKS. Keith became a member of the CLKS
           it is today. Adult handling has become fiercely     committee in 2002 and took up the role of
           competitive, giving adults who joined our           chairman the following year. He was immensely
           fancy too late to have a go at junior handling      proud of holding this office and could be seen on
           something to try for but also a platform for our    show day as both chairman and show manager.
           juniors to continue on to.                          He will be remembered by the adult handling
                                                               crew as the tea man on finals day working
           The adult handling finals required handlers to      tirelessly in the kitchen providing bacon rolls and
           qualify at open shows (mainly) by being placed      tea. It was in this role that I first encountered
           1st – 3rd in classes where the society scheduled    Keith when I attended the first ever handling
           them. This was relatively easy in the early days    finals held at Bagington near Coventry, I am very
           where there might only be one or two handlers       lucky to have been able to call him my friend
           present in the adult classes. However, the          and work with him on the CLKS committee. So
           popularity of adult handling started to grow in     in 2014 the finals were held as a memorial to
           popularity, and is now hotly contended.             Keith before it was due to be moved on and
                                                               held in conjunction with City of Birmingham
           I am always really pleased to see the standard      Championship show, the following year in 2015,
           of handling across the board when I have            where it has been held ever since.
           judged in recent years. It is really tough, the
           quality of handling is so good now that it is       In the run up to the finals Anne Defaye
           very difficult to place handlers, you are truly     announces the judge by releasing clues on the
           splitting hairs as a judge. Over the years, the     Adult handling page on Facebook for a bit of fun
           attendance to the finals grew and grew, and         and giving people a chance to guess who it will
           sadly (for sentimental reasons) it was obviously    be.
           out growing the picturesque little village hall in
           Bagington.                                          The format changed slightly to previous years

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