Page 58 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 58
Rescue Dog
Winning Show Dog
This is the story of Mylo... was only 13 months old and if they decided to
take him, then it would be his third home over
a rescued beagle. such a short period of time. She explained
to them that Mylo had a history of food and
Dean and Joanne Borg from Nottinghamshire toy aggression and that he showed signs of
own a beagle called Dexter who they have had growling when someone else approached his
from a puppy in 2014. The following year they food bowl and also growling and snapping when
thought it would be company for Dexter to have someone tried to take away a toy or object.
another dog of the same breed, however, they Dean and Joanne gave this some thought, but
had decided that they didn’t want to go through this did not deter them and the following week
the stages of a puppy again with all the training they decided to return to the Rescue and take
and chewing that it entailed, so they decided Mylo home with them. They knew that they
to rehome a beagle. They contacted Beagle would not have an easy time with him, but they
Welfare in Burton-on-Trent who provide an wanted to accept him into their family to be a
excellent service for finding beagles their forever companion for Dexter and live with them and
home. their two cats.
They visited the welfare in April 2015 and met Dean said that when they got him home they
the Rehoming Manager – Clare Clark who told particularly had to watch him at food times and
Dean and Joanne about a lovely Beagle called when toys were around. For some of the time
Mylo who they had arranged to go and see. they kept Mylo and Dexter apart and tried to
They took Dexter to meet Mylo too and they all build up trust with them initially. There were
went out on a walk and Mylo was very good and occasions when Mylo would put up his defences
walked nicely with Dexter. and not let anyone near him once his food was
given to him and he would show his teeth and
On returning to the Centre, Clare said that Mylo growl. Not only was it a learning curve for Dean
had already had two previous homes and he and Joanne, but also for Dexter too as he had to