Page 13 - FOP BlueNote 2017 September October Issue EAST
P. 13

Constitution and By-laws Amendments…

                                                                     Cont’d from Page 11

Amendment 2 - Submitted by the National Board of Trustees
This amendment proposed to allow for hardcopy mailing or electronic distribution of the FOP Journal instead of both as cur-
rently worded.
Committee Recommends To Adopt.
Conference Delegates Voted To Adopt.

Amendment 3 – Submitted by the National Board of Trustees
This amendment proposed to raise the annual Grand Lodge per capita tax by $1.00 with the $1.00 going to NFOP Foundation
to assist with funding of our annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service.
Committee Recommends To Adopt.
Conference Delegates Voted To Adopt.

Amendment 4 - Submitted by the National Board of Trustees
This amendment proposed to raise the per diem allowance from $100 to $125 a day for the National Board, or anyone perform-
ing a service as required by the Grand Lodge.
Committee Recommends To Adopt.
Conference Delegates Voted To Adopt.

Amendment 5 - Submitted by the National Board of Trustees
Amendment 5 was actually 2 amendments and proposed to modify and clarify the language for “full time” in the definitions
Article (3) and the Membership Article (4). The definition clarifies that officers can work at more than one agency and are
engaged in such employment as their full-time occupation on average of at least 30 hours a week.
Committee Recommends To Adopt.
Conference Delegates Voted To Adopt.

Amendment 6 – Submitted by the Missouri State Lodge Executive Board. Withdrawn by the Missouri State Lodge and was
not considered by the Conference Delegates.

Amendment 7 – Submitted by the New Jersey State Lodge
This amendment proposed to exclude “buildings and land” from the word “assets” from Article 23, Section 4 C.
The Committee recommended to Reject Amendment 7 on the grounds that the added wording of “not to include buildings
and land” after assets is in conflict with Article 23, Section 4 D which includes assets and does not eliminate buildings and
land from the language.
Committee Recommends To Reject.
Chair Ruled Amendment 7 was in conflict with Article 23, Section 4 D and was therefore ineligible for consideration.

Amendment 8 – Submitted by the Delaware State Lodge. Withdrawn by the Delaware State Lodge and was not considered
by the Conference Delegates.

   During one of our North Carolina Caucus meetings, at the con-
clusion of the day’s Business Session on the floor of the Confer-

ence, the North Carolina Delegates discussed each of these amend-

ments. The North Carolina Delegates voted in agreement with the
recommendations provided by the Grand Lodge Constitution and

By-laws Committee.

   I would like to personally thank all of the North Carolina dele-
gates for their diligent attendance on the floor of the Conference
and our two caucus meetings after the regular business meetings.
We had some long work days and your conscientious service for all
of the members of the North Carolina State Lodge is greatly appre-

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