Page 22 - Travelogue Venkat edited natalia
P. 22

                                      Things to avoid doing on a


                Avoid Reclining of seats... 4                            Avoid placing your bag on

           1                                                                                     Don’t  be  the  person  who  puts
                                                                         an unoccupied seat...


                                         enjoys  eating  at  the         your    rolling    suitcase    and     your
                                                                         backpack      or   your    coat    on    an
                                         same    pace,    so   the
                                                                         unoccupied  seat,  as  during  turbulence
                                         person behind you may
                                                                         it   could   cause   havoc   on   the   pathway
                                         still be working on their
                                                                         by   blocking   someone   to   move   over   or
                                         meal.   Try   to   also   keep
                                                                         walkway  from  their  seat  on  emergency
                                         this  in  mind  even  if  you
                                                                         situations.   Try      placing   your   bags   on
                                         have  declined  your  in-
                                                                         the overhead cabin or below your seat.
                                         flight meal.
          2       Avoid drinking too much...                       5      Avoid  putting  your  feet
                                                                          outside your place...

                                                                                 People  are  notorious  for  using  extra
                                                                         seats   as   a   foot   prop   on   their   aisle
                                                                         direction.  As  tempting  as  it  may  be  to
                                   If   you   get   the   spins,   you   have  lay   back   and   elevate   your   feet   in   the
              nowhere  to  lay  down  to  relax.  And  if  you           next   seat,   it's   important   to   realize   the

              start   feeling   sick,   pretty   much   everyone         priority   and   interference   of   personal
              will   be   able   to   hear   it.   Not   to   mention,   space.
                                                                                Call us Today
              being   intoxicated    on   a   flight   is   sure
              to   induce   unruly   behavior   that   nobody
              will thank you during your trip.                              for your vacation
          3      Avoid misusing flight attendant                            1-888-465-4282

                 Call Button

                             Flight   attendant's   first   priority   is   to
              keep   you   safe.   If   you   are   feeling   ill   or
              thirsty   on   an   overnight   flight   when   the    You can purchase Tickets

              lights  are  out  and  getting  up  would  wake
                                                                                     online at
              the   button.   If  seatmates,   feel   free   to  are
              already   serving   dinner   and   you   decide
              you  need  a  drink  right  now,  stay  put    and
              be   patient   for   the   hostess   to   reach   your
                                                                                                         P A G E   2 1
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