Page 25 - Travelogue Venkat edited natalia
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3       Morocco

                                 Morocco is a place where summer can actually be too hot. The camel’s wont
                  struggle,   but   you   might.   May   is   considered   one   of   the   best   times   to   visit,   with   an

                  average  temperature  of  around  21°C  (69°F).  It  is  the  month  when  spring  melt  water
                  runs  off  the  High  Atlas,  the  rivers  come  alive  where  flowers  &  festivals  take  over  the
                  country glossy.
          4       Bahamas

                                          Bahamas  -  our  pick  for  May  is  definitely  a  sailing  time.  Local  prices  start  to
                  drop, humidity is low, the water is bath-like and there is almost 0 chance of hurricanes.
                  Weather will be cooling off after the summer months, but it is still a beach-perfect with

                  the   range   of   29°C   (85°F).   Spring   Break   students   have   usually   packed   up   and   gone
                  back  to  class  by  late  April,  so  the  islands  will  be  breathing  a  well-earned  sigh  of  relief:
                  the  beaches  will  be  less  crowded  and  remember  booking  flights/vacations  are  easier 
                  with Alanita Travel.
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