Page 23 - Travelogue Venkat edited natalia
P. 23

                         Things to avoid doing on a flight

          6       Never ignore Safety briefing               9        Avoid  kids  running  loose  and

                                                                      pamper infants to avoid crying...
                  which can be during emergency...

                                        Nobody   wishes   their                     Getting  up  to  stretch  your  legs  on  a
                                                                    long   flight   is   a   good   idea   for   most
                          plane    to    be    on   the
                                                                    passengers. That said, nobody loves having
                          malfunction     list,   but   it
                                                                    children  given  free  rein  in  the  aisles.  If  you
                          could  happen.  And  before
                                                                    are  going  to  let  your  kids  out  of  their  seats
                          you   put   your   headphones
                                                                    during    the    flight,   make     sure    you
                          on,   make    sure    to   ask
                                                                    accompany       them     and    monitor    their
                          yourself   if   you   really   know
                                                                    behavior   to   avoid   incurring   the   wrath   of
                          what   to   do   in   case   of   an
                                                                    your fellow passengers.

          7      Avoid taking of your shoes...

                       Going  barefoot  may  fly  at  home,
             but  on  an  airplane,  it  is  not  just  gross
             to   your   fellow   passengers:   it   may
             actually   harm     your   health.   While

             airplanes   are   cleaned   regularly,   their
                                                                          Pamper your infants with love and care
                                                                    to  avoid  them crying  on  flight,  make  them
             carpeted    floors   mean   that   some   of
             those   germs   are   there   to   stay.   And
                                                                    cushion  on  bassinet  to    get  a  good  sleep.
             worse  yet,  many  people  even  venture
                                                                    Airline   do   serve   baby   food   products,
             to  the  restroom  in  without  so  much  as
                                                                    however,  it  is  advisable  to  carry  your  own
             socks on their feet.                                   food,   as   you   know   what   is   good   for   your
          8       Avoid blasting your music...                      baby.

                                                                      Avoid rushing to the front/exit...
                                    In  general,  you  should

                          remember     that   many    of 10                                  Everyone   is   eager   to   get-off   the

                          your    fellow   passengers
                                                                    aircraft and some people may have just as
                          have   been   traveling   for   a
                                                                    pressing   matters   to   attend   to.   There   is   a
                          long time before the leg of
                                                                    simple  procedure  of  waiting  for  the  rows
                          the   flight   you   are   sharing
                                                                    in  front  of  you  to  get  into  the  aisle  before
                          with   them.   They   deserve
                                                                    you  begin  your  own  dissent.  If  the  person
                          some    sleep   without   the
                                                                    in  front  is  taking  a  while  to  get  their  bags,
                          disturbing  noise  of  your  in-
                                                                    you   should   be   courteous   and   wait.   You
                          flight   playlist    in   the
                                                                    can  even  offer  to  help,  if  it  gets  everyone
                                                                    off plane faster.!

                                                                                                         P A G E   2 2
                                             Journal published by Alanita Travel |
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