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5 CASE STUDY | Greensboro Radiology | 336.274.6682 |
Greensboro Radiology | 336.274.6682 | 4
cedure. They have certainly talked me out of some procedures, but they never just say, ‘we don’t do that.’”
5. Offer Fellowship Trained Subspecialized Radiologists Working Only in Their Specialty Area
A 2002 study conducted by RSNA highlighted the point that subspecialized radiologists are just more accurate, not only in diagnoses but in their ability to track changes and collaborate with other physicians to determine best care paths.
Dr. Richard Cooper affirms the GR decision to expand subspecialization divisions. “Their quality of interventional procedures and radiology interpretations is through the roof.”
As of 2012, according to the Radiology Business Journal, the 100 largest groups represent just over 4,000 of the 25,000 radiologists working in private (nonaca- demic) practices. The majority of radiologists work in eight to ten member groups. This means physicians must read outside of their specialty every day. GR believes good radiology today demands specialists reading primarily within their expertise.
For ARMC President Preston Hammock, convenience and reliability are non-negotia- ble. His challenge prior to the GR integration centered on balancing time and breadth of specialty with the small group. “The additional range of subspecialized radiologists coupled with the 24/7 access means I don’t have to worry about consistency or keep- ing care close to home. We are offering the best care regardless of time of day.”
“They are all very willing to put patients first to get the job done, even on weekends.”
—Dr. Tim Oaks, Cardiothoracic Surgeon with Ely Surgical Associates
6. Educate Healthcare Partners and Patients Regarding Best Practices, Choices, and Costs
“From the breast care standpoint, our field is now consumer driven. Women are educated and know what they are up against. Quality alone is driving subspecialization, and GR gets that,” said Dr. Richard Cooper.
Chris DeAngelo makes special note of a feedback process employed by GR. “We get email feedback on the quality of each exam performed by my team. I’m able to pass that information on to my technologists. It causes our staff to elevate themselves to per- form better for quality reasons. It’s just a fantastic two-way street as we develop a rela- tionship with them. We hope to bring our quality up to the best possible standards.”
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