Page 21 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 21


                                   Indian Education System
                                   Pedagogical Leaders to revamp

                                   and not just Principals!

               uality education has been a pivotal factor in the growth   metacognitive thinking and reflection will be the guiding lights of the
               and development of societies, countries and the world.   21st century.
         QSchools have routinely provided quality education and   Our education system needs a complete overhaul to prepare a
         strong foundations to build a learning ecosystem that fosters growth,   task force of quality educational leaders equipped with knowledge,
         development and sustainability of nations and humanity as well.   21st century skills, values, attitude and ethics to raise quality human
           It is the school education system which religiously develops   capital.
         students’ cognitive, social, emotional and hard skills (academic skills)   The government of India has accepted the challenge to train
         from preparatory, foundational, middle to senior levels. In India,   school principals to become pedagogical leaders as 21st century
                                school education is valued for   agents to transform our education system.
                                academic grades and marks while   In close association with respective centres of excellence,
                                ignoring the crucial elements   selected Resource Principals are imparting training to school
                                of life skills, values, ethics and   principals on the concept of school leadership in the Indian context.
                                attitude.                 Expertise to train Pedagogical Leadership Framework for Leading
                                   No doubt, the current   Learning and setting a direction for school improvement, is also
                                education system has nurtured   being developed by creating a school vision, building a shared
                                talented professionals but very   vision, setting SMART goals, developing personal vision and aligning
                                few responsible leaders and   personal values with the values of education system.
                                vigilant citizens. In India very   A pedagogical leader practises Pedagogical Leadership by
                                few residential public schools   engaging in teachers’ professional development, initiating innovation
          Dr. D.C. Sharma
                                are known to produce star global   in school, leading Teaching-Learning Processes, developing an
                                leaders with the holistic approach   inclusive learning culture by becoming “Self-Aware Leaders”.
         of education in letter and spirit.                  A competent pedagogical leader assures growth of the school
           Although elements of holistic education were integral components   by preparing customized pedagogical plans for leading learning. All
         in previous educational policies, they were not understood   school leaders must undergo rigorous training and self-assessment
         and explored appropriately due to myopic vision, priorities and   or audit of leadership annually to become effective pedagogical
         inappropriate will of the prevailing leadership.   leaders of relevance.
           Quality education aims to nurture leaders, not just trained work   Pedagogical leaders are expected to be assessed by a
         force. Quality education can be imparted by competent, committed,   comprehensive scale of educational rubrics of improvement,
         pedagogical leaders rather than Principals or Headmasters.   growth and development of educational institutions, stakeholders
           India needs quality educational leaders to transform adolescents   including students, educators, administrative staff, parents and other
         and youth into future leaders. By 2030, the population of adolescents   concerned functionaries. How effectively he uses his leadership,
         and youth in India is expected to be 238 million and 237 million   skills and styles for the upliftment of all stakeholders, learning of
         respectively. Quality youth population can be a boon and unskilled   students, teaching of teachers and parental support forms another
         population a bane.                               important yardstick.
           Initially, the concept of leadership was restricted to industries   Overall growth and change can be brought about only by
         or business but not in education.  Looking at the dynamic global   demonstrative leadership at all levels to transform the education
         economy, polity, societal culture and advancement in technology, it   system. Instructional leadership normally focuses on classroom
         was felt to have quality human capital resource rather just the largest   teaching and learning practices involving a wide spectrum of
         population of adolescents or youth.              influence, which is normally seen in a few elite educational
           National Education Policy 2020 aims to develop India as a   organizations. The participative and demonstrative leadership
         Knowledge Superpower of the world, for which we need competent   transforms an organization as per need.
         educational leaders who can convert teenagers into quality human
         capital of Indian youth to transform India through education.
           The government has taken the historical decision to prepare   (Dr DC Sharma (M.Phil., Ph.D., SRF, PGDSC, GCC UCLA Ex)
         school heads as Pedagogical Leaders who can direct, influence,   Headmaster, The Punjab Public School, Nabha (Punjab)
                                                          Former District Training Coordinator, COE Bhopal and COE Dehradun
         empower and lead to glorify education ecosystems. These   Resource Person of Pedagogical Leadership for Principals and Master
         educational leaders with great vision and passion together with   Trainer for CBSE schools, Science Communicator, Writer and Motivator)
         strong qualities of management, administration, leadership,   Email: Mobile: 9009188799

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