Page 26 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 26

Education Notes

           ODISHA                 The suspension order was   sApp group messages,”   ents. “Our students aspire
         Achyuta Samanta          issued after the first-year   wrote Singh in his letter.  to become bureaucrats,
         felicitated              student sent a video clip of    ASSAM            technocrats, doctors and
                                  the incident to UGC’s anti-
                                                                                   engineers. Therefore the
         Bhubaneswar, december    ragging helpline cell, said   Dibrugarh ragging   AAP (Aam Aadmi Party)
         1. President Draupadi    a college spokesperson.  arrests                 government is committed
         Murmu conferred the        After viewing the video                        to giving wings to their
         Rashtriya Khel Protsahan   clip, the UGC cell directed   Dibrugarh, december 1.   dreams, and will leave no
         Puruskar 2022 award      the college administration   On the recommendation   stone unturned to en-
         of the Union ministry of   to initiate action against   of the university’s Anti-  able them to realise their
         youth affairs and sports   the accused. Dr. Raj Ga-  Ragging Committee, four   aspirations,” said the chief
         on Dr. Achyuta Samanta,   jbhiye, dean of GMC&H,   students of Dibrugarh   minister while inaugurat-
         founder-promoter of Ka-  immediately issued orders   University have been   ing MPTM.
         linga Institute of Indus-  suspending internship   expelled for three years for
         trial Technology (KIIT).   of the students and also   ragging a junior.     HIMACHAL PRADESH
           “This award recognises   asked them to vacate the   Addressing a press   Curriculum
         KIIT’s sustained focus on   college hostel.      conference, education    enrichment advice
         sports education for the                         minister Ranoj Pegu said
         past 18 years. Together    HARYANA               a first year commerce    Shimla, december 29. With
         with upgrading academic   Exam prep bugle        Masters student suffered   cases of cybercrime rising
         education, we have con-                          fractures in his spine after   statewide, the Himachal
         tinuously strengthened   Chandigarh, december 25.   he fell from the second   Pradesh police has written
         our sports and sports-   In an initiative to im-  floor of the varsity’s hostel   to the education ministry
         related infrastructure.   prove pass percentages   in an attempt to escape his   to integrate digital civics
         The encouragement and    of class X-XII students of   tormentors.“Five students   and cyber security into
         support of chief minister   government schools, the   involved in the ragging   the curriculum of 15,380
         Naveen Patnaik towards   education ministry issued   incident have so far been   government schools.
         sports has also inspired   a circular urging temple,   arrested. Another person   “Inclusion of lessons
         KIIT to transform Odisha   mosque and gurdwara   has been picked up for   on cyber safety and digital
         into an athletics and field   authorities to sound wake   sheltering the accused,”   civics in school curricu-
         sports hub of India,” said   up calls through amplifiers   Bitul Chetia, additional   lums will spread aware-
         Dr. Samanta, speaking on   to ensure students rise   superintendent of police   ness on cybercrimes and
         the occasion             early to prepare for their   informed media person-  ensure the safety of youth
           Over the past almost   board exams scheduled for   nel.                 in the new digital world,”
         two decades KIIT has     March this year.                                 said Rohit Malpani,
         sponsored the education    In a letter to govern-   PUNJAB                superintendent of police
         and training of several na-  ment school principals,   Mega Parent-Teacher   (cybercrime) in a letter
         tional sports stars. Among   and district education   Meeting             addressed to the principal
         them: Olympian Arjuna    officers, Anshaj Singh,                          secretary (education).
         awardees Dutee Chand     director of secondary edu-  Patiala, december 24. Un-  “Nowadays, school-going
         (athletics), C.A. Bhavani   cation, also urged parents   der an education ministry   children start using com-
         Devi (rapier fencing),   and teachers to suggest   initiative, over 1 million   puters and mobile phones
         Shivpal Singh (javelin) and   ways and means for stu-  parents participated in   from early age and it has
         Amit Rohidas (hockey).   dents to get extra hours for   a Mega Parent-Teacher   become essential to sen-
                                  self-study. “Mornings are   Meeting (MPTM) si-   sitise them about cyber-
           MAHARASHTRA            most suitable as children’s   multaneously organised   crimes,” added the letter.
         Anti-ragging             minds are fresh and there   in 19,259 government   According to Malpani,
         suspension               is no noise of traffic. For   schools across Punjab.   the number of cybercrime
                                  this, every class teacher   During the MPTM,     complaints in Himachal
         Nagpur, december 1. Six   should request parents to   chief minister Bhagwant   Pradesh has risen from
         interns at the Govern-   wake their children at 4:30   Mann and Delhi’s deputy   923 in 2017 to 6,207 in
         ment Medical College &   in the morning so they can   chief minister Manish   2021.
         Hospital (GMC&H), Nag-   start study by 5:15 a.m.   Sisodia visited government
         pur, were suspended for   Teachers should advise   schools in Patiala to inter-  Paromita Sengupta with
         ragging a junior student.   parents through What-  act with students and par-          bureau inputs

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