Page 22 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 22

Education News

         is the best methodology to assess chil-  taken a dim view of teacher recruit-
         dren’s learning outcomes and provide   ment scandals in the state and has
         necessary remedial aid. It is pertinent   frequently cancelled flawed TETs
         to note that developed countries don’t   and stayed recruitment. On Decem-
         have annual exams for young children   ber 6, Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay
         because they cause stress and anxi-  said he would, “cancel the appoint-
         ety. This is a depressing proposal and   ment of 42,000 candidates who had
         should be withdrawn. Instead, I advise   passed TET 2014 if they are found to
         the government to focus on training   have been recruited illegally”. This
         teachers to continuously assess chil-  comment was made after WBBPE
         dren and provide personalised reme-  published the detailed scores of TET
         dial education,” says Seetharamu.  2014 qualified candidates following
            By all indications, the BJP’s educa-  orders of the Calcutta high court. It
         tion record of the past four years is un-  was found that some candidates had
         likely to be an election winning issue.   scored 10.96 points out of the maxi-
                Reshma Ravishanker (Bengaluru)  mum 10 in a TET higher secondary
                                          paper. WBBPE explained this away
           WEST BENGAL                    as a technical error.
                                            Government school teachers’ jobs
         Banerjee’s Achilles              are highly prized in this state which
         heel                             suffered sustained capital flight   government schools are suffering ex-
                                          and de-industrialisation during 34
                                          years (1977-2011) of uninterrupted
                                                                           treme frustration. And with no fresh
              ven as west bengal’s monu-  rule by the CPM (Communist Party   SLST (state level standard testing)
              mental teachers’ recruitment   of Marxist) where unemployment   or TET exam held in the past five
         Escandal in which cash moun-     (7.6 million registered unemployed   years, 1.2 million aspirant teachers
         tains of Rs.100 crore were discovered   youth) is pervasive and small and   statewide who acquired B.Ed degrees
         in the palatial home of actress Arpita   medium scale industry salaries are   have now become age-ineligible (age
         Mukherjee, mistress of education   rock-bottom. A government school   upper limit: 40 years) to write TET/
         minister Partha Chatterjee, is being   teacher’s job with starting pay of   SLST.
         investigated by the CBI and Enforce-  Rs.33,000 per month after imple-  ith teacher recruitment at a
         ment Directorate (ED), the West   mentation of the Sixth Pay Commis- Wstandstill, it’s hardly surpris-
         Bengal Board of Primary Education   sion recommendations in 2020, is so   ing that the latest (2021) Annual
         (WBBPE) held a fresh Teachers’   highly prized that families desper-  Status of Education Report of the
         Eligibility Test (TET) on December   ate for sons and daughters to be   Pratham Education Foundation indi-
         11. In the new TET held after an   employed as teachers in government   cates that the percentage of class VII
         interregnum of five years, 690,931   schools often sell property and/or   children in government schools who
         college and university graduates   take loans to pay upto Rs.20 lakh as   cannot read and comprehend class
         wrote the test to qualify for 11,000   bribes to government officials to land   III textbooks has risen from 23.7
         primary teachers’ positions in West   these jobs.                 percent in 2014 to 31.7 percent in
         Bengal’s 92,000 government-owned   Therefore since 2015, disgruntled   2021. With primary-secondary edu-
         and aided schools. TET 2022 of 150   TET failures and civil activists have   cation experiencing severe pandemic
         minutes duration was held in 1,460   filed a string of petitions, obtained   disruption, West Bengal’s GER
         exam centres statewide amid heavy   ten recruitment and appointment   (gross enrolment ratio) in higher
         security and police presence.    stay orders, CBI investigation and   education has also experienced a
           Although there are reports of   more than 1,000 appointment orders   steep fall. According to the All India
         exam paper leakages, cheating, im-  have been revoked even as educa-  Survey on Higher Education (AISHE,
         personation etc — which have been   tion minister Chatterjee and former   2018), the state’s GER is 19.3 percent
         a feature of previous TETs — at the   WBBPE chairman Manik Bhattacha-  against the national average of 27.1
         time of writing, candidates are ap-  rya have been arrested.      percent.
         prehensive about behind-the-scenes   With recruitment for government   Increasingly the blame for West
         marking and paper substitution   schools stymied since 2012 because   Bengal’s teacher recruitment freeze
         scams which have stymied teacher   of a series of scams in recruitment   is being placed at the door of the
         recruitment since 2014. That’s   tests and pending court cases, thou-  state’s chief minister Mamata Baner-
         because the Calcutta high court has   sands of youth who aspire to teach in   jee, now in her third term in office.

         22    EDUCATIONWORLD   JANUARY 2023
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