Page 32 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 32
Institution Profile
Shiv Sharda Public School, Beed
SSPS is the first CBSE-affiliated English-medium school in the under-served Beed district
of Maharashtra. In the latest EW India School Rankings 2022-23, it is ranked among the
state’s Top 10 day-cum-boarding schools
campus in the educationally
under-served Marathwada
Sregion of Maharashtra’s Beed
district (pop.2 million), the co-ed Shiv
Sharda Public School, Gadhi, Georai
(SSPS, estb.2003) has acquired a good
reputation for providing integrated
academic, sports and co-curricular ed-
ucation to its 879 students — includ-
ing 184 boarders — mentored by 46
well-qualified teachers. In the latest
EW India School Rankings 2022-23,
this CBSE-affiliated class I-X school is
ranked among Maharashtra’s Top 10
day-cum-boarding schools.
Promoted by the Georai-based
Jagadamba Shikshan Prasarak Man-
dal trust (JSPM, regstd.1991) founded
by visionary philanthropist and for- SSPS Georai campus: good holistic education reputation. Inset: N.P. Datta
mer Maharashtra revenue minister
Shivajirao Pandit, SSPS is the first in institutions of national lic relations programmes.
English-medium class I-X school in repute, this year we have The school also regularly
the taluka. It draws students from affiliated SSPS with the organises teacher training
neighbouring Aurangabad, Jalna, La- Delhi-based Central Board workshops to ensure their
tur and Osmanabad districts. Current- of Secondary Education,” continuous professional
ly the trust, managed by Shivajirao’s says Jaisingh Pandit, an development,” says N.P.
sons Amarsinha and Jaisingh, runs 37 alum of the Dr. Babasaheb Datta, principal of SSPS
educational institutions across Maha- Ambedkar Marathwada since 2019. A commerce
rashtra with an aggregate enrolment University and secretary Jaisingh Pandit postgraduate of North
of 16,000 students. of JSPM. Bengal University, Sili-
“The objective of my father and Deeply influenced by Prof. How- guri, Datta acquired three decades of
founder-chairman, Shivajirao Pandit, ard Gardner’s theory of multiple in- valuable teaching and admin experi-
was to provide children in Georai and telligences, JSPM trustees and the ence in the CISCE-affiliated Father Le
neighbouring villages, access to high- SSPS management enable students to Blond School, Siliguri and The Assam
quality English medium education access diverse activities to discover, Valley School, Balipara, prior to sign-
blending rigorous academics with a enhance, refine and showcase their ing up with SSPS three years ago.
wide range of sports, co-curricular and innate talents. “Among our newly The school’s wi-fi enabled campus
extra-curricular activities to nurture introduced programmes are scouts which is under 24/7 CCTV surveil-
and develop their potential and holis- and guides and the International lance, houses 44 spacious and well-
tic personalities. The motto of SSPS Award for Young People. Moreover ventilated classrooms including four
‘Win the World’ encapsulates our we have designed a special leadership Smart classrooms which students at-
founder’s belief in the power of high- programme for high school students. tend by rotation, composite science,
quality education to develop children Prefects in particular, are given re- computer and maths laboratories, an
into leaders of change. To enable our sponsibility to manage the school’s audio-visual resources room and a
students to pursue higher education pupil welfare, cultural affairs and pub- library with 1,421 print volumes and