Page 35 - EducationWorld January 2023
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Currently, the AUA College of Medicine offers a Doctor SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT AUA
of Medicine degree programme to 2,200 students including
660 of Indian origin mentored by 338 faculty. AUA gradu- AUA offers a 6.5-year Doctor of Medicine programme (in-
ates are eligible to practice in all 50 states of the US and in clusive of a two-year pre-med programme).
the UK, Canada, India, among other countries worldwide. Pre-med programme. Class XII science stream school-leavers
The major attraction of AUA is that it is accredited by are qualified for admission into the university’s two-year
medical education boards worldwide — the Caribbean Ac- pre-med programme. In the pre-med study programme,
creditation Authority of Education in Medicine and Other students must earn 60 credits. There’s an option to com-
Health Sciences; Medical Board of California; New York plete the pre-med programme at MAHE (India), or on the
State Education Department, and Florida Department AUA campus in Antigua.
of Education. Moreover the New York Board of Regents Doctor of Medicine. The 4.5 year degree programme has two
permits AUA students to be placed in long-term clinical components: basic sciences taught in Antigua, and clinical
clerkships in New York state. “We are approved by all ma- sciences internship in approved affiliate teaching hospitals
jor US state medical bodies and our students can apply in the United States, Canada, and India. In the fifth semester
for residency in any of the 50 states of America, the UK (after 30 months), all students aspiring to intern in the US
and Canada. We are also approved by GMC (UK) and are a are obliged to write USMLE Step 1, an essential precondi-
member institution of the American Medical Students Al- tion to intern in American hospitals/clinics.
liance Association,” says an AUA spokesperson. AUA also offers three programmes in collaboration with
In 2022, the varsity’s medical graduates recorded excel- Florida International University (see
lent placements — 240 graduates were awarded residency Tuition fees: US $186,514 (Rs.1.54 crore) for 6.5 years (board
positions at hospitals in the US. Moreover, the pass rate and lodging included for first two years of pre-med pro-
of AUA students in the United States Medical Licensing gramme). Subsequently board and lodging expenses range
Examination (USMLE) Step 1 — a prerequisite for clinical $3,900-6,500 per semester.
internship in the US — is 92 percent and USMLE Step 2
CK — mandatory for practising medicine in the US — 97
percent. centre.
AUA was founded in 2004 with an initial batch of nine The white sands Jabberwock Beach offers a walking
students. Four years later in 2008, it was acquired by the stretch which also doubles as a popular study spot. Also on
MEMG. offer are excellent sports facilities including fields for soc-
Antigua and Barbuda. A sovereign nation of the West Indies, cer, beach volleyball, flag football, cricket, ultimate frisbee,
Antigua and Barbuda is primarily known for these epony- tennis and basketball courts. Moreover, the International
mous islands, though it includes several smaller ones. An- Cricket Association has approved AUA’s cricket ground for
tigua boasts a 95-miles coastline while Barbuda Island is practice matches.
protected by reefs and hosts the renowned Frigate Bird Admission. The minimum eligibility criterion for admission
sanctuary. Crystal clear waters and warm sandy beaches into the two-year pre-med programme of AUA is success-
make these islands a favourite vacations destination. St. ful completion of Plus Two (science) with an average of 80
John’s on Antigua serves as the capital and is the most percent-plus. Moreover students are advised to write and
populous (24,000) city of this independent island nation. submit scores of the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test
The land area of both prominent islands is a mere 170 sq. (NEET) as a personal interview is also mandatory. Students
miles. The weather is warm and sunny through the year have the option to complete the pre-med programme at
with temperatures ranging between 23 -35 C. English is MAHE in India or AUA. Students who successfully com-
the official language of this member nation of the British plete the pre-med course are guaranteed admission into
Commonwealth. AUA’s Doctor of Medicine (MBBS equivalent) degree pro-
Campus facilities. Set on a scenic 27-acre campus overlooking gramme.
Jabberwock Beach, AUA offers state-of-the-art classrooms, For further information, email: agangadar@auamed.
laboratories and a well-stocked library replete with medical org; Ph: +91-924-355-8899 or visit
textbooks, biomedical eBooks, databases, clinical knowl- Residential accommodation. Students have the option of on and
edge-bases, and eJournals. Academic facilities include a off-campus housing. AUA housing facilities comprise air-
Simulated Learning Center equipped with sophisticated conditioned furnished flats (single and two bedroom) with
training equipment incorporating challenging clinical sce- fully equipped kitchen, and Internet facilities. Off campus
narios using latest interactive software; a contemporary accommodation options include villas and bedrooms with
clinical skills lab; anatomy labs with 3D V.H. dissector en suite facilities.
computer stations; and an Emergency Medicine Training Degree programme. AUA offers a 6.5 year Doctor of Medicine
Center. Moreover, the campus hosts a 400-seat outdoor programme (see box).
amphitheatre, food court, health clinic and a counseling RESHMA RAVISHANKER