Page 36 - EducationWorld December 2022
P. 36

Cover Story

              EW INDIA PRESCHOOL

              RANKINGS 2022-23

              The objective of EWIPR 2022-23 is to enable young parents to
              choose suitable pre-primaries for their children, and introduce a
              spirit of healthy competition between preschools and stimulate
              their managements to improve under all parameters of pre-
              primary education excellence

             Dilip Thakore & Summiya Yasmeen

              S               USTAINED NEGLECT OF  EARLY       between India’s #132 rank on UNDP’s Human Development

                                                               Index 2021, #107 rank on the Global Hunger Index 2022,
                                                               over half of class VII children unable to read class III
                              (ECCE) has been a blind-spot of
                              post-independence India’s laid-back
                                                               textbooks as reported year after year by the ASER surveys of
                                                               the Pratham Education Foundation, and sustained neglect
                              academics and media pundits. With
                              the benefit of hindsight it’s blindingly
                              clear that there is a direct cause and
                                                                 Unlike  other  media  publications  which  stop  at
                              effect linkage between the neglect of   of ECCE.
                                                               highlighting official negligence and injustice, in 2010,
                              education — and ECCE in particular   EducationWorld convened the first international ECCE
              — and poor productivity of India’s white and blue collar   conference in Mumbai at which ECCE experts from around
              employees and farm sector workers.               the world alerted educationists, parents, educators and
                Turn of century research in neurological sciences   society about the critical importance of universalising
              and cognitive development has clearly established that   ECCE. Simultaneously in 2010 we introduced the pioneer
              children’s brains are 80 percent developed by the time   EducationWorld India Preschool Rankings (EWIPR) in
              they attain age eight. This awareness prompted economics   which we ranked the Top 10 pre-primaries in India’s larger
              Nobel laureate (2000) James J. Heckman to comment that   cities where there was greater awareness of the importance
              a dollar invested in a child’s professionally administered   and value of professionally administered ECCE. Since then,
              ECCE is $16 saved in her higher education and career   EWIPR has been published every year with the number of
              progression because beneficiaries of quality ECCE are able   cities covered having risen to 17.
              to learn faster and better.                        Persistent  advocacy  of ECCE  by  EducationWorld
                Open, uninterrupted and continuous neglect of   has — even if belatedly — woken up academia and the
              professionally administered ECCE under the Integrated   community to the vital importance of universalisation of
              Child Development Services (ICDS) programme has cost   early childhood education. The National Education Policy
              the Indian economy heavily. Although a minority, your   (NEP) 2020 presented to the country last July accords
              correspondents believe there’s a direct cause-effect linkage   high importance to professionally dispensed ECCE and has

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