Page 40 - EducationWorld December 2022
P. 40
Delhi’s franchised preschools league table
Rank Competence of teachers (200) Teacher welfare & development (100) Infrastructure provision (75) Individual attention to students (100) Value for money (100) Parental involvement (100) Curriculum & pedagogy (hybrid learning readiness) (150) Safety and hygiene (100) Leadership / management Special needs education (100) TOTAL SCORE (1125)
2019 2020 2021 2022 quality (100)
5 3 3 1 Kidzee Little Tinkles, Saket 164 66 61 74 72 72 123 75 78 69 854
NR NR NR 2 The Shri Ram Wonder Years, Rohini 166 69 58 72 73 75 124 73 74 68 852
NR NR NR 3 GD Goenka Public School, Junior Wing, Model Town 165 65 59 73 65 74 121 74 76 65 837
7 7 6 4 Sanfort, Mayur Vihar 162 64 60 71 68 73 122 70 73 66 829
6 4 5 5 Mother’s Pride, Dwarka 155 55 58 69 66 71 115 74 70 67 800
8 9 11 6 Bachpan Playschool, Dwarka 156 56 57 71 67 70 116 71 69 64 797
NR NR NR 6 Little Planet Preschool, Paschim Vihar 157 55 56 72 65 69 117 72 68 66 797
NR NR 12 7 Kidzee, Lajpat Nagar 148 48 60 65 62 70 113 72 67 61 766
NR NR NR 8 FirstCry Intellitots, Pitampura 148 46 58 66 68 68 115 69 64 61 763
NR NR 8 9 Kidzee, Sector 19, Dwarka 146 46 58 64 64 69 114 71 65 62 759
NR NR NR 10 FirstCry Intellitots, Mundka 149 47 57 62 67 66 114 71 64 60 757
NR NR NR 11 EuroKids, Najafgarh 146 45 59 63 66 67 112 68 62 61 749
We are thrilled that we’re ranked Delhi’s #1 fran-
chised preschool. I thank our highly motivated
“teachers and supportive parents for the faith and
trust they have reposed in us especially during the pro-
longed pandemic closure. Thanks are also due to our
franchisor Kidzee which has provided a child-friendly
and play-based curriculum. I am especially pleased
with our top scores under the parameters of safety and
hygiene and individual attention to students because
we focus on developing children’s socialisation and
self-grooming skills. Our attention to these parameters
is behind our premier rank this year” — Priyanka
Wadhwa, founder, Kidzee Little Tinkles, Saket,
Delhi (100 students and 12 teachers)