Page 37 - EducationWorld December 2022
P. 37

integrated it with primary/elementary education under its   among others. The sample respondents were persuaded
              5+3+3+4 primary-secondary education system replacing   to award scores of 1-100 under all parameters except
              the previous 10+2 model and making ECCE compulsory   competence of faculty which is given double weightage. The
              for all children from age three to eight.        scores awarded under each parameter were totalled and
                To maintain our record of conducting EWIPR annually   preschools ranked accordingly. Preschools evaluated by less
              since 2010, in July we commissioned the Centre for   than 20 respondents are not ranked,” says Premchand
              Forecasting & Research Pvt. Ltd (C fore) to interview   Palety, promoter-CEO of C fore (estb. 2000), the high-
              young parents, pre-primary principals and teachers across   profile market research and public opinion polls company
              the country to rate and rank the most admired preschools   which over the past 22 years has established an excellent
              in 17 cities where there’s sufficient and/or rising public   national reputation.
              awareness of the critical importance of professionally-  In the pages following, we present league tables of
              administered ECCE. Accordingly, field researchers of C   most respected/admired preschools in 17 cities across
              fore interviewed 7,543 sample respondents in 17 cities —   India. The objective of EWIPR 2022-23 is to enable young
              Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru,  Hyderabad,   parents to choose suitable pre-primaries for their children,
              Gurugram, Chandigarh, Jaipur and Pune among others —   and introduce a spirit of healthy competition between
              to rate the most respected preschools in their cities on ten   preschools and stimulate their managements to improve
              carefully selected parameters of pre-primary schooling   under all parameters of pre-primary education excellence.
              excellence.                                        As recounted above, in  EducationWorld we accord
                “The sample respondents database in each city comprised   highest importance to professionally administered ECCE.
              SEC (socio-economic category) ‘A’ parents with at least   Therefore shortly after publication of EWIPR 2022-23
              one child in preschool, principals and teachers. Every   league tables, top-ranked preschools will be invited and
              respondent was shown a list of well-known preschools in   felicitated at the EWIPR 2022-23 Awards conclave in
              her city, and was asked to rate them under ten parameters   Delhi during which seminars and workshops will also be
              of ECCE excellence. The parameters of assessment are:   conducted. Continuous improvement and universalisation
              competence of teachers, teacher welfare and development,   of foundational education is our mission.
              curriculum and pedagogy, infrastructure, individual
              attention to children, leadership, safety and hygiene,   With Paromita Sengupta, Reshma Ravishanker & Baishali Mukherjee

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