Page 50 - EducationWorld December 2022
P. 50
Rank Competence of teachers (200) Teacher welfare & development (100) Infrastructure Individual attention to students (100) Value for money (100) Parental involvement (100) Curriculum & pedagogy (hybrid learning readiness) (150) Safety and hygiene (100) Leadership / management Special needs education (100) TOTAL SCORE (1125)
2019 2020 2021 2022 provision (75) quality (100)
NR NR NR 35 Udayachal Pre-Primary School, Vikhroli (East) 149 55 51 72 66 73 103 71 60 52 752
NR NR NR 36 Magic Beans Preschool, Kemp’s Corner 148 57 50 68 65 73 105 69 61 49 745
NR NR 23 37 Mindseed Preschool & Daycare, Sion (East) 147 56 50 68 65 73 104 69 60 49 741
NR NR NR 38 Leaping Feat Preschool, Byculla (W) 145 56 52 68 58 69 103 61 61 50 723
We are delighted we’ve been voted Mumbai’s #1 pro- We are overwhelmed that we’ve been repeatedly
prietary preschool. Over the past three years we have ranked Mumbai’s premier franchised preschool for
“worked very hard to improve under all EW survey “the past six years. This is validation of our core values
parameters. Therefore we are thrilled with our higher and tribute to the untiring efforts of our highly-dedicated
scores under all ten parameters of early childhood educa- teachers. We are thrilled with our top scores on eight
tion. Witty World is Mumbai’s largest preschool with 817 of the survey’s ten parameters of preschool education
children learning with us from play group to senior kin- excellence, especially teacher competence, curriculum
dergarten. We take pride in continuously improving our and pedagogy, and infrastructure. The trust and goodwill
pedagogies and designing age-appropriate curriculums that we have built within our parents’ community over
mapped with the National Curriculum Framework. This 20 years is the outcome of the passion and time we have
award will motivate us to keep improving and innovating invested in integrating contemporary early learning peda-
to ensure that our children receive globally benchmarked gogies into our curriculum. Our top rank for six years is
early years learning” — Dr. Raina Jain, director, VJTF confirmation that we are providing children a joyful lean-
Eduservices Ltd, which owns Witty World, Borivali ing environment which develops their creativity, compas-
(W), Mumbai (817 children and 57 teachers) sion and confidence” — Reshma Kukreja, promoter,
Kangaroo Kids, Chembur, Mumbai