Page 54 - EducationWorld December 2022
P. 54

Rank      Value for money          Rating
                2019  2020  2021  2022                 (100)

                3   2   2  1  Podar Prep, Khar          86
                NR  NR  NR   1    Podar Jumbo Kids International,
                             Santacruz                  86
                NR   8   3   2   Witty World, Borivali (W)   85
                8   4   4   3   Spring Buds International, Juhu   84
                1   1   1   4   Besant Montessori School, Juhu   83
                NR  NR   5   4   Kangaroo Kids International, Bandra   83
                8   6   6   5   By the Sea, Worli       82
                NR   6   10   5   Children’s Nook, Gamdevi    82
                NR  NR  NR   6   Budding Blossom, Malad (East)   81
                8   10   7   7   West Wind, Gamdevi     79
                NR  NR  NR   8   Happy Minds International, Bhandup   78
                10   7   9   9   Saifee Nursery, Malabar Hill   77  Podar Prep, Khar children: value for money #1
                NR  NR  NR   9   Ubuntu Montesorri, Tardeo   77
                NR  NR  NR  10   Creative Kids, Colaba   76     Rank  Special needs                    Rating
                                                                  2022  education                       (100)

                 Rank     Curriculum and              Rating     1 2  Witty World, Borivali (W)          78
                                                                      Spring Buds International, Juhu
                2020  2021  2022  pedagogy             (150)     2    Kangaroo Kids International, Bandra  77
                                                                 3    By the Sea, Worli                  75
                1   1  1   Besant Montessori School, Juhu   141  4    Podar Prep, Khar                   74
                2   2   2   Kookaburra, Juhu Road      140       5    Kookaburra, Juhu Road              73
                3   4   3   Witty World, Borivali (W)   139      5    Happy Minds International, Bhandup  73
                NR   5   3   Kangaroo Kids International, Bandra   139  6  Besant Montessori School, Juhu  72
                4   7   4   Spring Buds International, Juhu   138  6  Children’s Nook, Gamdevi           72
                5   3   4   By The Sea, Worli          138       7    Saifee Nursery, Malabar Hill       71
                3   2   5   Podar Prep, Khar           137       8    Budding Blossom, Malad East        70
                NR  NR   6   Budding Blossom, Malad (East)   136  9   West Wind, Gamdevi                 69
                9   9   7   Children’s Nook, Gamdevi    135      10   Children’s Nook, Tardeo            68
                4   8   8   Saifee Nursery, Malabar Hill   134   10   Podar Jumbo Kids, Mahavir Nagar, Kandivali (W)  68
                6   7   9   West Wind, Gamdevi         133       10   Podar Jumbo Kids Plus, Dahisar (West)  68
                7   10  10   Ubuntu Montesorri, Tardeo   132

                                                                    Rank      Teacher welfare &
                   Rank      Leadership/              Rating     2019  2020  2021  2022  development   Rating
                2019  2020  2021  2022  management quality   (100)
                                                                 3   2   1   1   Kookaburra, Juhu Road   89
                NR   5   4   1   Witty World, Borivali (W)   89    1   1   2   2   Besant Montessori School, Juhu   88
                1   3   2   2   Besant Montessori School, Juhu   88    7   2   3   3   Podar Prep, Khar   87
                7   7   4   2   By The Sea, Worli       88       NR   6   5   4   Witty World, Borivali (W)   86
                4   1   1   3   Podar Prep, Khar        87       6   6   4   5   Spring Buds International, Juhu   85
                2   2   3   3   Kookaburra, Juhu Road   87       NR  NR  NR   5   Podar Jumbo Kids International,
                NR  NR   7   4   Kangaroo Kids International, Bandra   86               Santacruz        85
                10   6   8   5   Saifee Nursery, Malabar Hill   85    NR  NR   5   6   Kangaroo Kids International, Bandra   84
                7   4   6   6   Spring Buds International, Juhu   84    9   8   8   6   Kangaroo Kids, Chembur   84
                NR  NR   9   7   Children’s Nook, Gamdevi    83    4   3   6   7   By the Sea, Worli     83
                4   5   6   8   West Wind, Gamdevi      82       NR  NR  NR   8   Budding Blossom, Malad (East)   82
                9   8   10   8   Ubuntu Montesorri, Tardeo   82    NR   10   8   9   Children’s Nook, Gamdevi    81
                NR  NR  NR   9   Creative Kids, Colaba   81      5   4   10   9   Saifee Nursery, Malabar Hill   81
                NR  NR  NR  10   Happy Minds International, Bhandup   80    5   4   9   10   West Wind, Gamdevi   80

                                                                             DECEMBER 2022    EDUCATIONWORLD   53
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59