Page 53 - EducationWorld December 2022
P. 53


             Parameters of Excellence: Mumbai’s Top 10 Preschools

                                                                                (across both categories)

                   Rank      Competence of            Rating
                2019  2020  2021  2022  teachers       (200)

                3   2   2   1   Kookaburra, Juhu Road   188
                1   1   1   2   Besant Montessori School, Juhu   187
                6   3   3   3   Podar Prep, Khar       186
                NR   4   6   4   Witty World, Borivali (W)   185
                9   5   4   4   Spring Buds International, Juhu   185
                5   6   5   5   By the Sea, Worli      184
                NR  NR   8   5   Children’s Nook, Gamdevi    184
                NR  NR   6   6   Kangaroo Kids International, Bandra   183
                NR  NR  NR  6  Podar Jumbo Kids International, Santacruz   183
                4   7   8   7   West Wind, Gamdevi     182
                8   8   9   8   Saifee Nursery, Malabar Hill   181
                NR  NR  NR   9   Budding Blossom, Malad (East)   180
                NR   9   9   9   Ubuntu Montesorri, Tardeo   180  Kookaburra, Juhu Road children: #1 five parameters
                NR  NR  10  10   Happy Minds International, Bhandup   179
                NR  NR  NR  10   Creative Kids, Colaba   179

                                                                    Rank      Parental involvement     Rating
                   Rank      Infrastructure provision            2019  2020  2021  2022                 (100)
                2019  2020  2021  2022                 (75)      3   3   2   1   Kookaburra, Juhu Road   89
                                                                 4   2   1   2   Podar Prep, Khar        88
                5   2   3  1   Podar Prep, Khar         72       NR   4   4   3   Witty World, Borivali (W)   87
                NR  NR  NR  2  Podar Jumbo Kids International, Santacruz  71    NR  NR  NR  3  Podar Jumbo Kids International,
                6   6   5   2   Besant Montessori School, Juhu   71           Santacruz                  87
                NR   3   1   3   Witty World, Borivali (W)   70    3   2   7   4   By the Sea, Worli     86
                8   3   2   3   Spring Buds International, Juhu   70    6   6   5   5   Besant Montessori School, Juhu   85
                1   1   1   4   Kookaburra, Juhu Road   69       NR  NR   4   5   Kangaroo Kids International, Bandra   85
                NR  NR   2   4   Kangaroo Kids International, Bandra   69    NR  NR  NR   5   Budding Blossom, Malad (East)   85
                7   7   3   4   Saifee Nursery, Malabar Hill   69    3   4   3   6   Spring Buds International, Juhu   84
                6   6   5   5   By The Sea, Worli       68       5   5   5   6   West Wind, Gamdevi      84
                NR  NR  NR   5   Budding Blossom, Malad (East)    68    NR   5   5   7   Children’s Nook, Gamdevi    83
                NR   1   4   5   Happy Minds International, Bhandup   68    5   4   9   7   Ubuntu Montesorri, Tardeo   83
                NR   4   4   6   Children’s Nook, Gamdevi    67    NR   6   8   8   Happy Minds International, Bhandup   82
                3   3   4   6   Creative Kids, Colaba   67       8   9   9   8   Kangaroo Kids, Chembur   82
                6   4   8   7   Ubuntu Montesorri, Tardeo   66    1   1   7   9   Saifee Nursery, Malabar Hill   81
                9   8   7   8   West Wind, Gamdevi      65       4   7   9   9   Creative Kids, Colaba   81
                NR  NR   8   9   Kangaroo Kids, Chembur   64     NR  NR  NR   9   Podar Jumbo Kids, Mahavir Nagar,
                NR  NR  NR  10   Children’s Nook, Tardeo   63                 Kandivali (W)              81
                NR  NR  NR  10   Ryan Shalom Preschool, Andheri (East)   63    NR  NR  NR  10   Children’s Nook, Tardeo   80

             52    EDUCATIONWORLD   DECEMBER 2022
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58