Page 36 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
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                                       GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS                                  SPECIAL NEEDS
                    CENTRAL                   STATE                  BOARDING            1   Sankalp, Chennai

               1+   Army Public School, Delhi      1   Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas      1   Rashtriya Indian Military      2   Academy for Severe
                  Cantt                    Vidyalaya, Sector 10        College, Dehradun      Handicaps and Autism
               1   Army Public School,        Dwarka, New Delhi      2   Simultala Awasiya        (ASHA), Bengaluru
                  Southern Command, Pune    2   Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas        Vidyalaya, Jamui (Bihar)    3   Brindavan Education Centre,
               2   Army Public School, Dhaula        Vidyalaya, Yamuna Vihar,      3   Rashtriya Military School,        Jayanagar, Bengaluru
                  Kuan, Delhi              Delhi                   Bengaluru             4   The Aditya Birla Integrated
               3   Navy Children School,      3   GVHSS for Girls,      4   Motilal Nehru School of        School, Mumbai
                  Colaba, Mumbai           Nadakkavu, Kozhikode      Sports, Sonipat     5   Tamana Autism Centre -
               4   Air Force Golden Jubilee      4   Worli Seaface Mumbai      5   Oak Grove School,        School of Hope, Delhi
                  Institute, Delhi         Public English School       Dehradun          6   SPJ Sadhana School,
               5   Navy Children School,      5   Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya,      6   Army Public School,        Mumbai
                  Nausena Baugh,           Hatiota, Ganjam Dist       Dagshai            6   Sunderji Institute of Special
                  Visakhapatnam         6   Jadavpur Vidyapith, Kolkata    7   Jawahar Navodaya        School, Pune
               6   Navy Children School, Kochi    7   Government Model Senior        Vidyalaya (JNV),      7   The Gateway School,
               7   Air Force School, Hebbal,        Secondary School,        Chennithala, Alappuzha        Mumbai
                  Bengaluru                Manimajra, Chandigarh      (Kerala)           7   Mata Bhagwanti Chadha
               8   Army School BEG & Centre,      8   Government Model Sr Sec      8   Rashtriya Military School,        Niketan (MBCN), Noida
                  Kirkee, Pune             School, Sector 16,        Belagavi            8   Vidyaniketan Academy —
               8   Army Public School,        Chandigarh         9   Rashtriya Military School,        Centre for learning
                  Bolarum, Secunderabad    9   Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas        Chail          Challenges, Bengaluru
               9   Kendriya Vidyalaya — IIT        Vidyalaya, Sector 11 Rohini,      10   Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya,      9   Sanchetna, Noida
                  Madras, Chennai          Delhi                   Baripada              9   Aatman Academy,Thane
               9   Atomic Energy Central      9   Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas                 10   Connect Academy, Nashik
                  School, Thane            Vidyalaya, Sector 5 Dwarka,                   10   Mamta Mandir School,
               10   BSF Sr Sec School, Paloura,        Delhi                                Navsari (Gujarat)
                  Jammu                 9   Model School, TT Nagar,
                                        10   Rajkiya Pratibha Vikas
                                           Vidyalaya, Surajmal Vihar,
              S          INCE THE Education-  personality development experience.   driving the annual EWISR now in
                                                                                 Evidently this core philosophy
                         World India School
                                                 That’s why in a radical departure
                         Rankings (EWISR)
                                                                               its 15th year, has resonated with
                                              from global practice to rank schools
                         were somewhat ten-
                         tatively and experi-  under just one parameter — learning   parents and educators’ communities
                                              outcomes — the annual EWISR as-
                                                                               countrywide. In 2007, a mere 250
                         mentally launched in   sesses the country’s best schools un-  schools countrywide were sufficient-
             2007, they have evolved into the   der 14 parameters including teacher   ly well-known (institutions rated
             world’s largest annual schools rank-  welfare & development, leadership,   by less than 25 sample respondents
             ing survey which rates the country’s   academic reputation, co-curricular   are not ranked) in the survey league
             most admired primary-secondary   and sports education, individual   tables.
             schools on 14 parameters of educa-  attention to students, infrastructure   In EWISR 2022-23, over 4,000
             tion excellence.                 among others.                    schools included in national, state
                Scores awarded by over 14,000    The maximum possible score    and city league tables are ranked.
             knowledgeable sample respondents   under each parameter is 100 except   With schools and education leaders
             under each parameter are totaled   that the vitally important parameter   raising their public profiles and vol-
             and schools are ranked in 22 discrete   of teacher competence is accorded   unteering to be rated and ranked for
             categories to facilitate peer institu-  double weight. Assessment of   the purpose of attracting best teach-
             tional comparison. The underlying   schools under multiple performance   ers and students, and parents across
             philosophy of the annual EWISR is   parameters compels institutional   the country aspiring to choose the
             that there’s much more to educa-  managements to ensure that stu-  most suitable schools for their chil-
             tion than academic learning, and   dents receive balanced, well-rounded   dren, EWISR has transformed into
             that children’s schooling should be   education to develop their unique   the world’s largest and most detailed
             a holistic, enjoyable education and   intelligences.              schools ranking survey. Moreover,

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