Page 38 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
P. 38


             with the number of schools in 22                                  diverse and targeted.
             sub-categories grouped under four                                   Over the past 15 years, this annual
             main categories — day, boarding,                                  survey has expanded to include gov-
             international and vintage legacy —                                ernment day, government boarding,
             having risen exponentially, for the                               special needs and budget private
             past three years, the annual EWISR                                schools which admit children from
             is spread over two consecutive issues                             low-income SEC (socio-economic
             of Educ ationW orld.                                              category) B, C and D households. To
                In last month’s bumper 344-                                    rate and rank latter institutions, a
             page issue, we presented Part I of                                separate sample database of 4,000
             EWISR 2022-23 rating and ranking                                  respondents comprising parents,
             day primary-secondary (co-ed day,                                 students, teachers, principals and
             day-cum-boarding, boys day and                                    educationists was interviewed over
             girls day) schools and vintage legacy                             two months.
             schools under these categories.                                   annual EWISR distinguishes it from
                                                                                 This elaborate architecture of the
             I     N THIS ISSUE, WE PRES	     Palety: unprecedented scale & depth  school rankings surveys abroad,
                   ENT Part II of EWISR
                                                                               especially in the UK which rate and
                                                                               rank schools inter se on a single
                   2022-23 featuring league
                   tables ranking India’s best
                                                                               outcomes. After Educ ationW orld
                                              special needs education, and com-
             boarding (co-ed, boys and girls) and   tal & emotional well-being services,   parameter viz , academic learning
             international schools affiliated with   munity service. Reclusive, low-pro-  pioneered its multi-dimensional
             offshore examination boards (day,   file schools evaluated by less than 25   EWISR 15 years ago, several imita-
             day-cum-boarding and residential).   sample respondents were eliminated   tive schools ranking surveys have
             In addition, league tables rating and   from the ranking process. The score   been launched by some professedly
             ranking top government (Central and   awarded by every respondent under   education magazines which have fla-
             state), Top 20 Special Needs Schools   each parameter was totaled to rank   grantly plagiarised this publication’s
             for differently-abled children, Top   schools in each sub-category,”   carefully conceptualised parameters
             15 philanthropic schools and Super   explains  re m  c h a n d P a l e ty ,   of school excellence. However, all
             30 affordably priced budget private   promoter-CEO of the Delhi-based   of them lack the robust field survey
             schools (the complete rankings to   Centre for Forecasting & Research   evaluation methodology that defines
             be featured in a forthcoming BPS   Pvt. Ltd (C fore, estb.2000) which   the annual EWISR.
             dedicated issue) are included in this   has been conducting the annual   “Apart from equipping parents
             issue.                           EWISR for the past 15 years.     with information to choose the most
                “The sheer scale and depth of   Moreover in response to pub-   appropriate school for their children,
             EWISR 2022-23 is unprecedented in   lic and institutional demand that   the annual EWISR also fulfils the
             India and worldwide. Over a period   vintage schools with decades of   very important objective of enabling
             of four months, 122 field research-  community service are a class apart,   school promoters and managements
             ers conducted interviews in 28 cities   this year ‘vintage legacy schools’ are   to compare themselves with their
             across the country. They persuaded   separately ranked in each sub-cate-  peers under all parameters of school
             14,221 SEC (socio-economic catego-  gory. This innovation is a continua-  education excellence, and strive to
             ry) ‘A’ fees paying parents, teachers,   tion of your editors’ efforts to make   attain whole institutional improve-
             principals, educationists and senior   the annual EWISR survey more   ment year-by-year. The socially
             school students to rate the schools                               beneficial outcome is that the entire
             they are aware of on a ten-point scale                            school education system improves
             under 14 parameters, viz , teacher   “EWISR also fulfils the       with students better prepared for
             welfare and development, teacher   very important objective       higher education and eventually
             competence, academic reputation,                                  their workplaces and vocations,”
             co-curricular activities, interna-  of enabling school            adds Palety, an alum of the high-
             tionalism, individual attention to   managements to compare       ranked Punjab Engineering College,
             students, curriculum and pedagogy                                 Chandigarh and Fore School of
             (hybrid learning readiness), sports   themselves with their peers   Management, Delhi, who began his
             education, infrastructure, value for   under all parameters of    career in ORG, India’s pioneer retail
             money, leadership/management     school education excellence.”    market research firm, and later went
             quality, parental involvement, men-                               solo and promoted C fore in the mil-

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