Page 39 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
P. 39
lennium year. teachers on the MyCENTA platform. higher score under the all-important
Although the defining character- This is encouraging response indicat- parameter of teacher competence.
istic of the globally unique EWISR ing that our objective of teachers be- Last year when the CENTA test
is its evaluation of schools across a ing rewarded for their competencies was introduced, only 15 percent of
broad range of parameters, criticism and therefore ready to learn continu- schools in the EWISR league tables
that the survey is based on percep- ously, is taking root. EWISR evalu- nominated teachers to take this test.
tions rather than hard data is often ates schools on a range of parameters For the EWISR 2022-23 survey, 20
articulated. Therefore, to add an including teacher competence, which percent of schools deputed teachers
element of objectivity to perceptual is rightly given double weightage. to take the test and improved their
scores awarded by sample respon- Teachers of schools that did well in scores under the teacher competence
dents under the vitally important, the 30-min CENTA test — a subset parameter.
double weightage teacher compe- of our regular CENTA Teaching Creating a separate broad cat-
tence parameter, since 2021, all Quotient test — demonstrated ac- egory of vintage legacy schools apart,
EWISR schools have been invited ceptable levels of subject compe- another innovation of EWISR 2022-
to nominate six teachers to take a tence. Therefore, their score under 23 is that in instances where two or
30-minutes (20 questions) Eng- this parameter has improved. We more schools are ranked #1, we have
lish, maths and science online test, strongly advise all schools to avail awarded a 1+ rank to institutions
administered by the Bengaluru-based this opportunity to assess their actual which have undertaken extraordi-
Centre for Teacher Accreditation teacher competence and simultane- nary initiatives during the past year.
(CENTA, estb.2014). CENTA is In- ously improve their EWISR scores,” In this (October) Part II issue, we
dia’s largest teachers’ online platform advises a m y a V e n k a ta ra m a n , present national, state, and parame-
which provides testing, certification, a former McKinsey India consultant ter league tables of boarding schools
training and career development and promoter-CEO of CENTA. (co-ed, boys and girls), international
programmes for K-12 teachers. Schools which deputed the (co-ed day, day-cum-boarding, resi-
“During the past 12 months, we prescribed cohort of teachers to dential), government, special needs,
have experienced 1.5 million self- write the online CENTA-EWISR budget private and philanthropy
driven ‘learning engagements’ with test are accorded a 10-15 percent schools.
Metro cities
Tier l, ll, lll & lV cities
(392 cities)
CENTA Test (121 cities)