Page 31 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 31
nurturing 21st Century Children
KidZone Do it NOW!
draW your toon
anitha bennett
unny faces are easy to draw. 3. A nose with huge nostrils, or a
FThe key to drawing cartoons pointed nose can be dramatic and
or caricatures is to exaggerate funny.
a person’s facial features — like 4. The mouth adds expression to
huge eyes, rabbit teeth or hairy the face. A thin line for the mouth
ears — to make them larger than goes with the stern look. A happy
life on paper. Follow these instruc- face can sport an exaggerated,
tions and mix and match to draw upturned, curvy mouth. Try adding
hilarious funny faces! two buck teeth in front! A sad or
1. The shape of a face can be dull face can have the mouth curv-
simple — oval, round, heart-shaped ing downwards with a tear or two
or even square. on the cheeks. 5. Draw huge ears on both sides of
2. Make the eyes striking. Exagger- the head! If you are drawing a girl,
ate eyes by making them huge and add hoopy earrings or oversized
round with eyeballs rolling upwards, studs.
downwards or sideways. 6. Try drawing hair standing up
Elongated and thin eyes accom- straight and stiff, oil-plastered hair
panied by crude, bushy eyebrows or pony tails with big bows.
will give your toon a mean look! Animals can also be drawn as
Eyes can be mere slits when a caricatures and produce hilarious
person is laughing hard. results.
Day for OTHERS
Laughter lovers unite! in 1998, by an Indian, Dr. Madan
“Laughter is the best medicine.” Kataria, founder of the worldwide
That’s not just a thought-provok- Laughter Yoga movement? It’s
ing quote, but a proven fact. The celebrated on the first Sunday
benefits of laughter range from of May, and members of laugh-
reduced stress, increased pain ter clubs all over the world get
tolerance, immunity boost and together in their countries to have
eternal youth. a hearty laugh.
Laughter Clubs have mush- “Celebration of World Laughter
roomed around the world. There Day is a positive manifestation for
are over 5,000 such clubs world- world peace and is intended to
wide. Members of all ages, from and deep-throated chuckles! build up a global consciousness
different walks of life, meet regu- Do you know that ‘World of brotherhood and friendship
larly to share jokes, smiles, guffaws Laughter Day’ was inaugurated through laughter,” says Dr. Kataria.
"A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book." Irish Proverb
parentsworld • june 2020 32