Page 29 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 29

nurturing 21st Century Children


                                              Heart to HEART

                                                          Hello Children!
                                                          Who doesn’t like a good laugh? There are so many
                                                          things that make us laugh — a comic strip, the
                                                          expression on a friend’s face, a funny story or a kid
                                                          brother’s innocent comment. Or just pure happiness.
                                                             I’m sure you will agree that everyone needs large
                                                          doses of  laughter in their lives. That’s why Kidzone
                                                          brings you this Humour Special.
                                                             Let’s explore how to make funny cartoons and
                                                          copyright your own jokes. There are hundreds of  ways
                                                          to keep people smiling.
                                                             So, as the academic year ends, let’s celebrate with
                                                          joyous laughter.

                                              Idea BOx

         Write  your  own  jokes!                            Ideate a joke
                                                             Again, similarities or differences between the
                                                          meanings and situations where common words are
            eople who don’t like a good laugh are a small   used will help you to ideate a joke.
         Pminority. Therefore don’t merely listen to jokes and   A common format used involves a question and
         repeat them, go a step further and write your own jokes.   answer, like this one:
         A few suggestions.                                  Why is a pilot like a frog?
           Make a riddle                                     They both like a good fly!
           First, write down a few words that have two different
         meanings. For example the word ‘right’.
           Next, list words that are spelt differently, but sound
         the same. For example: ‘meet’ and ‘meat’.
           Think about the two meanings and see if  you can
         spot similarities or differences. Now use one of  the
         meanings to ask a whacky question. Use the other
         meaning to give an answer with a twist. Check these
           When is right wrong?
           While driving!
           When is left right?
           When driving!

                                        "Laughter is an instant vacation." Milton Berle

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