Page 25 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 25

nurturing 21st Century Children


                 Developing children’s computational

                        THINKING SKILLS

            defined as thought processes that address problems and devise solutions in the same
          manner as a computer would, computational thinking enables children to develop critical
                               thinking, logic, analysis and problem solving skills

                                            Jayalakshmi vaidyanathan

                omputational                                                         include logic and logical
                thinking (CT)                                                        analysis; algorithms
         Cis emerging as                                                             and algorithmic
         a necessary core skill for                                                  thinking; patterns and
         success in the new digital                                                  pattern recognition;
         era. Defined as thought                                                     abstraction and
         processes that address                                                      generalisation, evaluation
         problems and devise                                                         and automation. CT
         solutions in the same                                                       practices include problem
         manner as a computer                                                        decomposition; creating
         does, computational                                                         computational artefacts
         thinking enables                                                            (through coding);
         children to develop                                                         testing and debugging;
         critical thinking, logical                                                  iterative refinement, aka
         reasoning and problem                                                       incremental development;
         solving skills.                                           Venkatraman & son  collaboration and
           “There is growing                                                         creativity as well as re-
         recognition in education systems around the globe that in   using solutions,” adds Grover.
         a world awash with computers, capability to problem-solve   In progressive K-12 private schools in India, CT is
         computationally, i.e, logically and algorithmically, and use   increasingly being integrated into STEM curriculums
         computational tools, is becoming a necessary competancy   and/or taught as a co-curricular activity. For instance
         for all STEM and allied fields subjects. Therefore we need   under the CSpathshala ( initiative of
         ‘computational thinking’ (or CT) to become a core skill —   the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) India,
         or ‘5th C’ — taught to all students in addition to the ‘4Cs’ of   currently 300,000 students in 750 schools in 11 states
         the 21st century — critical thinking, creativity, collaboration,   countrywide, are learning CT through unplugged activities
         and communication,” says Dr. Shuchi Grover, an   (learning computing without computers). Launched in 2016,
         alumna of Harvard and Stanford universities and US-based   CSpathshala’s objective is to “promote computer science
         computer scientist.                              education in K-12 education and influence policy makers to
           According to Dr. Grover, computational thinking   introduce computing into mainstream curricula as well as to
         is fundamentally about using analytic and algorithmic   train teachers so that every child in India learns computing
         concepts and strategies to formulate, analyse and solve   as a science”.
         problems. And since conceptualising solutions for problems   “The CSpathshala CT curriculum and teaching aids
         using CT need not involve a computer, even though the   are available free-of-charge online. Schools can download,
         execution of the solution usually does, CT can be taught   adapt and integrate it into their maths and/or computer
         without the use of computers. “Educators worldwide   science syllabuses,” says Vipul Shah, head, ACM India’s
         have found it more convenient to think of CT as a set of   CSpathshala initiative.
         concepts (the ‘what’) and practice (the ‘how’). CT concepts   CT — the process of analysing a problem and

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