Page 26 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 26

systematically             hoMe activitieS to deveLoP
                                      developing a
                                      solution that can be        coMPutationaL thinKing
                                      coded as software     •  Parents and children cooperate to arrange books
                                      for computers         in the home library in a sequenced order by author or
                                      to implement —        subject titles.
                                      necessitates teaching   •  Looping can be taught by teaching sequenced
                                      children four core key   activities that children can frequently use in everyday
                                      skills:               activities.
                                                            •  Ensure children pack their own school or travel bags.
                                      decoMPoSition.        This teaches prioritisation and space optimisation.
                                      This requires breaking   •  Encourage children to use map navigation when a
                                      down a problem into   parent is driving. This develops goal achievement and
                                      simple and easily     concentration skills.
                                      manageable parts.     •  Pattern recognition capability is developed by
                                      For instance Arav, a   playing building blocks, Lego, jigsaw puzzles, Crack the
      Aditya Vasista                  class VII student, has   Code or IQ Twist-Smart games.
                                      to complete a school   •  Encourage children to write musical programs and/
         science project. Using decomposition, he breaks the problem   or skits using SCRATCH software for presentation on
         into small sections, and writes down the resources required   grandparents’ birthdays/other family events.
         for each section which are integrated to create a model/  Here are some highly recommended app-based
         prototype.                                         games and hands-on activities to build children’s
                                                            computational thinking capabilities:
         ProbLeM recognition. This requires ideation about the   App-based games
         common factors of parts of a problem and using precedents   •  Trainyard
         to find solutions. Continuing with Arav’s case history, he   •  Move the block
         lists previously faced challenges such as time management,   •  Move the turtle
         procuring resources and transporting the science model to   •  Inventions
         school without damage.                             Hands-on activities
         Abstraction. This is about focusing on vital details of a   •  Lego Mindstorms
         task and ignoring trivial and unimportant facts.   •  Kit for Arduino
           Arav systematically lists the ways and means to best   •  Snap Circuits
         address the problem and presents the most workable
         solutions. He sources all materials needed to create the   after-school‘CT study circle’ conducted by Sudarshan,
         prototype within the given time frame and draws a flow   concurs. “CT classes are interesting and thought-provoking.
         chart to smoothly implement the                                 Recently we did a physics simulation
         problem resolution programme.                                   activity on gravity and velocity using
         Algorithmic thinking. This requires                             Scratch programming and discovered
         specifying a series of steps to solve a                         that there are many different ways to
         problem.                                                        find solutions. In fact, CT learning
         Arav now collects all materials and                             has helped me immensely in my non-
         systematicallyworks to build the                                academic activities. I now play football
         prototype.                                                      better because I use logical reasoning to
           “Developing computational thinking                            ideate better play strategies,” says Aditya.
         skills from early age develops children’s                          Ram Venkatraman, a
         vital skills of logical reasoning and                           cybersecurity specialist and father of two
         problem solving. Development of these                           children, advises parents to introduce
         skills will enable children to become   Sudarshan R.            computational thinking without using
         knowledge creators and innovators, who                          digital devices. “Getting children to
         will find solutions to some of the world’s                      solve jigsaw and Lego puzzles and even
         most pressing problems,” says Sudarshan R, national   playing sudoku enables them to use deductive logic. Jigsaw
         coordinator of the Advanced Learning Centres, Education   puzzles are especially useful to develop computational
         for the Gifted and Talented, National Institute of Advanced   thinking — reequiring sorting to building parts of the whole,
         Studies (NIAS), Bangalore.                       and finally assembling completed parts to complete the
           Eleven-year-old Aditya Vasista, who is enroled in an   whole as one image,” says Venkatraman.

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