Page 22 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 22
Cricket-Math™ - New Kid on the Block making waves!
orn during the Covid19 incubation period, ‘Cricket- gets to bowl the last over. But it is also about the pitch conditions,
Math™’ is fast becoming a household name globally as the pressure in that game, past statistics, and the way the player has
families embrace the virtual learning world and going played that particular game so far in that particular match. History is
Bforward, a blended reality. Next 18 to 36 months, will see past tense!”
a mix of online learning and physical engagements in classrooms Arav Shah, a 5th grader who has attended these Certified 4 day
but the precise number of days in the physical world will be Boot Camps shared, “I was not a fan of Cricket but I love Math, but
dependent on law makers and government officials and yes, you as once I enrolled in the program, I got to know about the game, and
parents! Well, that’s a debate for another time. for me, it was taking some calculative permutations to work out the
Does learning therefore get ‘halted’ or stop simply because the answers, and I loved competing as a Captain. Going forward I may
physical spaces are under extended lockdown? not play the physical game, but I am a fan now because the game is
Well the past 8 to 10 weeks with some schools completing a lot of fun when I hear Ajit talk about it!”
their last quarter of the previous academic year, or starting a new Each month, Cricket-Math™ hosts e Boot Camps, that are 4
one have embraced on line teaching and learning in a way that is certified flexible-timed gaming sessions where students ‘solve’
heartening. Learning, therefore has not stopped and instead allowed problems and ‘play’ the game. Given this is not their routine online
for more innovation, and creativity, we may add. school work load, and they get to solve everything within these 4
With so many e-resources available, gaming options, sessions makes Cricket-Math™, a quick break-from-the-routine fun
edutainment and educational content as downloaded option yet amassing knowledge which makes the parents happy too!
resources, why has Cricket-Math™ caught the imagination of
students more than some of the other available options?
Well to answer it simply, learning be it in the physical or virtual one
must be connected to passion, area of interest, some form of healthy
gamification and creativity. Sports integration, therefore, especially
Cricket makes a strong case for starters. With sporting activities
suspended and even if they do commence, it may be a world
without stadiums, the collaborative brains behind Cricket-Math™,
the Agarkar Centre of Excellence (ACE) founded by celebrated
sportsman Ajit Agarkar, and his award winning wife, Fatema, an Shradha Nair, a parent keen to enrol her boys in Grade 4 and 8
educationalist and the enterprising Divesh Bathija’s popular UnMath in the June Boot Camp mentioned, “I have grown up watching Ajit
School found an unique way to engage with students (Grade 4 to 8) as a kid so for me personally, it was kind of a fan moment, and my
using the math that makes Cricket a truly scientific game! boys are semi interested in the game, but after watching the videos,
Not sure how that works? they are super excited because the format is different, and they like
Using Ajit Agarkar’s illustrious career matches (he’s a veteran that someone will mentor them and that they can connect with a
of 4 World Cups) as a backdrop from when he made his debut for child who is in another part of the country!” So with parents whose
India at 20 (played since he was 10 years old, and rose quickly kids have enrolled expressing their pleasure about the relevance
up the ranks as a gifted and thinking cricketer setting records in of Math, especially when some kids seem to get anxious with
school cricket), Cricket-Math™ uses the grade level ‘syllabus’ numbers who have now become Math-patient and approaching
learning outcomes taught in schools be it national or international Math concepts taught in school with interest, Cricket-Math™ is sure
and creates unique case studies for students to ‘solve’ while ticking all the boxes - those that love the game of cricket and math
‘playing’ live with fellow students who have signed up, and through and for those who were hesitant about numbers, they have found a
these engaging, interactive group sessions, students learn to patience for it while playing cricket!!
apply quadratic equations, linear and non-linear equations, As Fatema Agarkar and Divesh Bathija sum up, “Given that we
transformations, decimals and basically, ‘tested’ math concepts in work closely with parents in the education space, a lot of them
school. But this time, in a way that connects to real life. wanted something to make their kids enjoy learning. And we felt that
So, what really happens? by assessing students when they enrol, we can also give parents a
Ajit Agarkar’s pre-recorded videos are shown after each quick heads up about their child’s level which will help them ‘brush’
game byte that they watch, and what he has experienced during up some skills that they are not comfortable with, which adds so
that moment when he batted or bowled or took a catch while much value!”
representing Mumbai in Ranji Trophy or for India in T20, Test Cricket-Math™ is unique and a cost effective, personalised
Matches or One Dayer’s, or KKR and Delhi Daredevils during IPL, and uniquely curated gaming format that brings the relevance of
and sharing also while sharing some dressing room tit bits, packs in knowledge to the fore-front. So, parents, check this new kid on the
‘clues’ for kids to ‘play’ the game. block and register now for the June Boot Camp 2020.
Cricket, after all is all about Math as Ajit Agarkar shares, “To think Contact details as follows: 8369971774 / 7700097444
about it, it is always about calculations when you are on the field. As Email Id:
a Captain, I know how important probability is when deciding who Website: