Page 39 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 39
nurturing 21st Century Children
health &
(9 servings) PreParation guide
Butter a baking dish. line with parchment paper and
butter parchment. set aside.
first layer
named after the city of nanaimo on vancouver island melt butter in a large bowl set over a saucepan of
(Canada), it comprises three layers — wafer, nut (walnuts, simmering water. remove from heat and add the sugar,
almonds, or pecans), and coconut crumb base; custard in the cocoa powder, vanilla essence and salt. mix well. remove
middle; and layer of chocolate ganache on top. from heat and add digestive biscuit crumbs, coconut,
and almonds and toss until evenly coated.
ingredientS press mixture into the baking dish. Chill while prepar-
bottom layer ing the filling, bottom layer shouldn't be warm when
½ cup unsalted butter, diced into pieces adding the custard frosting layer.
¼ cup granulated sugar Second layer
5 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder Blend powdered sugar, butter, custard powder and
tsp salt 2 tbsp heavy cream in an electric mixer. whip until pale
1 ¾ cup digestive biscuit crumble and fluffy, adding another 1 tbsp cream to thin if needed.
½ cup finely chopped almonds spread mixture into an even layer over bottom layer.
1 cup shredded coconut with little sugar Chill preferably in the freezer while melting chocolate
(otherwise the warm chocolate can melt this layer).
filling third layer
½ cup unsalted softened butter melt chocolate along with butter in a steel bowl, set
2-3 tbsp heavy cream over a pot of simmering water until smooth. spread
2 tbsp custard powder mixture into an even layer over the filling layer. Chill until
1 tsp vanilla extract chocolate has set.
2 cups powdered sugar Cut into squares. store in an airtight container in
refrigerator. serve at room temperature.
top layer
½ cup chopped semi-sweet chocolate nb: almonds contain healthy fats, fibre, protein, magne-
2 tbsp unsalted butter sium and vitamin e.
parentsworld • June 2020 40