Page 42 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 42

nurturing 21st Century Children

                asK the


                                                                              dr.  SanKari  aLagaraSan

         Menstrual problems


                                                          menstrual cycles, weight gain, and other physical changes,
                                                          etc before consulting a gynaecologist.

                                                          i have been reading about the benefits of switching
                                                          to cloth pads and menstrual cups, not just for
                                                          environmental sustainability but for health reasons
                                                          as well. are commercially produced sanitary pads
                                                          unhygienic and unsafe?
                                                                                          — Preethi V, Chennai
                                                          Commercial sanitary pads can be used but need to be
                                                          changed frequently. Similarly when using cloth or biode-
                                                          gradable pads, frequency of change needs to be followed
                                                          as per instructions. Undergarments should also be changed
         My daughter started menstruating at 13 years. She   every six-eight hours. Vaginal washes can be used to avoid
         is now 15 and suddenly her monthly periods have   rashes and in case of wetness, apply some talcum powder.
         become irregular and sometimes skip a month. She   If there is itching, use candid powder. Moreover it’s advis-
         is in class X and preparing for her boards. i wonder if   able to wear cotton instead of nylon panties which tend to
         this is because of stress.                       cause skin irritation.
                                    — Worried mother, Chennai
         Stress can’t be the only cause. Note down the number   My daughter's menstrual cycle began two years ago.
         of irregular menstrual cycles. If the number of irregular   She is now 13 years old. She complains of intense
         cycles are one-two, there’s no cause for anxiety. If irregular-  stomach cramps before the onset of her period. how
         ity persists for more than three cycles, investigate further.   can this be remedied?
         Is there abnormal weight gain? Is her haemoglobin count                       — Shruthi M, Bangalore
         normal? She should also undergo a diagnostic test to ascer-  In cases of early onset of puberty, stomach cramps are
         tain if she is suffering anemiaor polycystic ovaries.  common, and generally nothing to worry about. The
                                                          uterus is immature, the uterine opening may be small and
         i suspect my 15-year-old daughter is suffering from   perineal area and pelvic floor muscles tight. This results
         PcoS (polycystic ovary syndrome). She has put on a   in pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic nerves. Exercise
         lot of weight in the past few years. is she too young to   can provide some relief. If pain is severe, anti-spasmodic
         develop PcoS?                                    medications can be taken. It’s probable she will outgrow
                                   — Worried mother, Bangalore  stomach cramps after she turns 18 years. However if pain
         PCOS is common among teenage girl children these days.   persists or there are other abnormal symptoms, consult a
         Weight gain apart, other symptoms, include facial hair   gynaecologist.
         growth and acne. Treatment plans usually include medi-
         cation, dietary and lifestyle changes. Please be observant   (dr. r. Sankari alagarasan is a gynaecologist and infertility
         and make a detailed note of the duration of her monthly   specialist at clarite abikshaiya hospital, Madurai)

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