Page 8 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 8

nurturing 21st Century Children


         Premature babies acquire bodily                  sociate professor of psychology at smu.

         immunity after birth
           nfants  born prematurely  rapidly acquire immune   younger moms face greater
           functions after  birth, equivalent to infants  born at   mental challenges
         iterm, according to a new study published in nature
         Communications (march). King's  College  london  re-    cmaster  university, Canada researchers have
         searchers tracked infants born prior to the normative   found that two of three young teenage moth-
         32 weeks gestation period to assess their immune cell  mers suffer at least one mental health problem
         populations, capability to produce mediators, and oth-  including  depression,  anxiety or hyperactivity.  this is
         er post-natal changes. the study concluded that most   up to four times higher than in mothers aged above 21
         immunity is acquired rapidly after birth and, as such,   years and teens without children, the researchers con-
         infants born  prematurely have capability  to  develop   cluded in a  study published  in  journal  of  adolescent
         normal immune systems.                           health (february).
           “all the infants’ immune profiles progressed in a similar   for the study, the researchers surveyed 450 mothers
         direction as they aged, regardless of the number of weeks   aged below 21 and 100 comparison mothers aged older
         of gestation at birth. Babies born in earliest gestations —   than 20 at the time of their first child delivery. "young
         before 28 weeks — made a greater degree of movement   mothers face a great deal of adversity both before and
         over a similar time period to those born at later gestation.   after becoming parents, yet next-to-nothing is known
         this suggests that preterm and term infants converge in a   about the rates and types of significant mental health
         similar time frame, and immune development in all babies   problems among these women in our community. the
         follows a set path after birth,” says deena gibbons, profes-  study findings can be used to develop better screening
         sor at King's College london.                    processes  and more effectively detect  mental health
                                                          problems in teenage mothers, to provide direct treat-
         don’t let children blame them-                   ment," says ryan van lieshout, lead researcher and as-
                                                          sociate professor of psychiatry and behavioural neuro-
         selves for mother’s  melancholia                 sciences, mcmaster university.

               hildren who blame themselves for their mothers’   infant sleep problems linked to
               melancholia are likely to suffer depression and
         Canxiety, reveals a study conducted by southern   future behavioural disorders
         methodist university (smu), usa and published in the
         journal of family psychology (march). the study which   nadequate and irregular sleep in infancy can lead to
         surveyed 129 mothers and their 13-year-olds found that   emotional and behavioural problems in early child-
         although children of mothers with  high  levels  of de- ihood, says  a  study published  in  Bmj  paediatrics
         pressive symptoms are at increased risk of experienc-  open (march). for the study, university of Birmingham,
         ing anxiety,  children who blame  themselves  for their   uK, researchers collected information from 1,700 par-
         mothers’ melancholia display higher levels of depres-  ents on the sleep habits of their children at ages three,
         sive symptoms.                                   eight,  18  and 24  months.  the  study result  highlights
           “if children blame themselves for their mothers’ de-  that infants who sleep for shorter periods of time, take
         pressive symptoms, they are more likely to brood about   longer to fall asleep and wake up more frequently dur-
         their mothers’ symptoms. and we know from an exten-  ing the night and are more likely to experience prob-
         sive body of  research that rumination  over stressors,   lems in regulating their behaviour and emotions at 24
         especially  ones that are uncontrollable,  is linked with   months.  this  prompts  disruptive behaviour  such as
         depression and anxiety. also, if children feel personally   temper tantrums.
         responsible for their mothers’ symptoms, they may try   "it's likely that sleep quality in the early months and
         to ‘make it better’ and use ineffective coping strategies.   the development of self-regulation — the ability to con-
         this could lead to a sense of helplessness, failure, and   trol our behaviour — are closely intertwined,” says lead
         low self-worth in the child, since ultimately the child is   researcher isabel morales-munoz who adds that sleep-
         misattributing  the cause  of  their mothers’ depressive   ing problems of infants may be caused by a variety of
         symptoms,” says lead author dr. Chrystyna Kouros, as-  genetic and environmental factors.

         parentsworld • june 2020       8
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