Page 10 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 10

nurturing 21st Century Children



         Prudent parenting in the


         PW presents advice gathered from psychologists and parenting
         experts on ways and means parents can empower children to
         cope with the rigours of the covid-19 national lockdown and
         the summer holidays which will prolong the at-home period of
         children to early June and July, if not longer

         cynthia John, JayaLaKShMi vaidyanathan & Mini P.

                  he rampaging Coronavirus aka Covid-19   especially harsh on low-income and poor households. In
                  pandemic, which has infected 6.19 million   India, the National Commission for Women has reported
                  people and killed 370,000 worldwide including   a sharp increase in domestic abuse and violence with 587
         T208,000 affected and over 5,800 killed in India,   complaints registered between March 23 and April 16
         and forced a national lockdown of industry and business   — almost double the complaints received in the previous
         and mass closure of education institutions, is playing havoc                25 days. Moreover, the
         with the psychological and emotional well-being of hith-                    Central government’s
         erto active children and adolescents suffering incremental                  Childline India has
         anxiety, fear and stress. According to a recent study titled                reported 92,000 calls
         ‘The Psychological Impact of Quarantine and How to Re-                      from abused children
         duce it’ published in the globally respected medical journal                between March 25-April
         Lancet (March 2020), an assessment of quarantine and                        8 — a 50 percent in-
         isolation in precedent pandemics indicates high prevalence                  crease after the national
         of “emotional disturbance, depression, stress, low mood,                    lockdown was dramati-
         irritability, insomnia, post-traumatic stress symptoms, an-                 cally announced in a
         ger and emotional exhaustion,” in human beings.                             nationwide broadcast by
           Beyond anxiety about the health of elders and loss of                     prime minister Narendra
         personal freedom and mobility, the pandemic lockdown                        Modi on March 24. The
         has forced families indoors, straining and damaging                         lockdown has resulted in
         personal relationships. Inevitably, women and children                      closure of all manufac-
         are bearing the brunt of the lockdown, which has been   Dr. Sangeetha Mahesh  turing plants, business

         parentsworld • june 2020       10
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