Page 14 - ParentsWorld June 2020
P. 14

nurturing 21st Century Children




             onsultant neuropsychiatrist, sleep disor-                   Follow Covid-19 prevention
         Cder specialist and chief executive of the                     measures advised by health experts and
         People Tree Mind Care Hospital, Banga-                         government, scrupulously.
         lore, Dr. Satish Ramaiah believes that all                      Ascribe anxiety to information
         people are experiencing a roller coaster ride                  overload.
         of emotions such as denial, non-acceptance,                     Don’t communicate your anxiety
         fear, self-doubt, financial anxiety and inse-                  through aggressive behaviour.
         curity about the well-being of loved ones.                      Immerse yourself in productive,
         “In vulnerable people — especially elders                      enjoyable and meaningful activities.
         and children — these emotions manifest                          Appreciate others’ anxiety without
         by way of heightened stress, depression,                       rubbishing it. Reassure elders and chil-
         fatigue, disturbed sleep and loss of appetite.                 dren about beneficial outcomes of follow-
         It is important to counsel and calm them                       ing expert advice.
         against these disturbing phenomena,” says                       Explain the pandemic to children in
         Dr. Ramaiah.                                                   age-appropriate language, and ways and
            Dr. Ramaiah’s prescription for parents to combat   means to protect themselves against it.
         pandemic-related anxiety:                         Be responsible, decisive, confident, and safe.


         STUDY & PLAY

            ome guidelines for balancing children’s study, play and
         Sreflection time during the lockdown period:
           Designate a work space for each child to do her study,
         assignments and online learning.
           Draw up a daily time table jointly with children. Most
         children love structured learning and school discipline, even
         if they won’t admit it.
           Use timers, the home equivalent of the school bell. Try
         to model their day at home on the in-school day. But desist
         from imposing academic learning 6-8 hours per day as in
         school. Allow time for co-curricular music, dance, reading,
         learning, sports education and connecting with friends.  captive children with constant activity. Contrary to popular
          Encourage children to help with household chores by   belief, spells of boredom and masterly inactivity are
         packaging them as valuable learning experiences.  beneficial for the cognitive growth and development of
          Ensure they eat well, remain hydrated and play every   children.
         day.                                               Encourage them to grab some sunshine. Exposure
          Inspire them to engage in altruistic activities, e.g, to raise   to the sun’s rays speeds up the production of vitamin D
                                                          which boosts immunity and releases serotonin. This keeps
         funds for a charity.                             children calm, positive, and focused.
          Simultaneously, resist the temptation to overwhelm

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